Smart Grid Applications Overview
Network Adapter
Network Adapter for Multispeak
Network Adapter for Multispeak
Info: Substations and Switching Facilities
Data Dependencies
Configuration Requirements
Voltage Requirements
Validation and Connectivity Rules
Upgrade Batch Scripts
Analyze Data Model
Electric Distribution Data Model Worksheet
MultiSpeak Data Model Worksheet
Create XSL Style Sheet
Create Domains
Create Feature Classes
Create Relationships
Add Model Names
Assign Model Names
Configuration File
Pipeline Rules
Enable Pipeline Rules
Splitting Units
Validate XML
Supported Attributes - DMS
Default Equipment IDs
Optional Configurations
Exception Management
Disable Support for De-Energized Features
Provide Support for Extended Feeder Manager
Use MeasuredLength Value
Network Adapter for CIM
Data Dependencies
Configuration Requirements
Voltage Requirements
Validation and Connectivity Rules
Upgrade Batch Scripts
Mapping XML
Impedance Lookup
Substation Stitching
Configuration File
Assign Model Names
Optional Configurations
Exception Management
Disable Support for De-Energized Features
Use MeasuredLength Value
Troubleshooting Network Adapter
Why don't RGB values work with the FeederColor attribute?
How do I modify voltage values in a domain?
Start SynerGEE button doesn't launch application
Why does my network look like spaghetti after I port it to Windmil?
Does Network Adapter for MultiSpeak require Feeder Manager?
Does Network Adapter for MultiSpeak require related unit objects to be populated for device banks and related ConductorInfo objects to be populated for conductors?
Do I have to populate the Customer section of the Minerville MultiSpeak Electric Distribution Data Model?
Can Network Adapter handle spaces in the equipment ID?
What is Constr for?
What happens if you do not have the winding code populated on a transformer?
Can I modify a domain?
Why are some of my tie switches disconnected after importing into WindMil?
Why do all my switches get exported twice, once with the original ID, and again with '-B' appended to the ID?
Is the initial exported XML saved somewhere?
What happens if I don't have capacitor units?
What happens if I exported a field for which I have defined default values in the defaults XML, but the fields are either null or an empty string?
Are all of the fields in the supported attributes table required?
When I export a feeder, the MultiSpeak XML has only a header and no data.
Does the MultiSpeak verb matter?
In the Network Adapter MultiSpeak export dialog, the Load Case list is empty
Responder Overview
Configuration Overview
Responder Architecture
Implement Responder
Before You Begin
Installation Instructions
Implementation Scripts - Oracle
Implementation Scripts - SQL Server
Create Responder Services User
Data Preparation
Add Model Names
Assign Model Names
Responder Line Display
Jumpers Display
Update Trace Weights
Populate Customer Table
Responder Database Tables
History Tables
Archive Tables
Database Schema Configuration
Modify Field Labels
Modify Domain Values
Assign Domains
Set Column Visibility
Set Up Responder Map Layers
Create Responder Group Layer
Create Spatial Views
Create Definition Queries
Create Join Layers
Create XY Event Layers
Create Query Layers
Create Symbology
Configure Regions
RegionParents.custom.layout File
Clean Up Regions
Set Up Regions in ArcMap
Hide Show All Regions
Configure Network Level Field
Address Field
Configure Responder
Responder Server
Set Up Local Net Service Name (Oracle)
ESRI License Override
Data Services Configuration
Callback Configuration
Callbacks List
Accessing Remote Message Queues
Submit Rules
Prediction Services
Prediction Engine
Prediction and SCADA
Prediction Services Configuration
Turn Off Probable State
Query Windows Service Configuration
Message Router Configuration
Assign Permissions to the Oracle Directory
Line Display Services Configuration
Telemetry Service Configuration
Telemetry Service Descriptions
Sample Telemetry SQL Query
Message Queuing
Enable Message Queueing
Control Network Interface Binding
Archive Services Configuration
History and Archive Tables
Archive Log File
Archive Cancelled Incidents
Responder Windows Service
Responder Service Login
Windows Service Config File (optional)
Data Services
Responder Services Commands
Prediction Services
Responder Services Commands
Archive Services
Responder Services Commands
Line Display Services
Responder Services Commands
Message Router
Restart Services via Notify Network Change Button
Troubleshooting Windows Service
Windows Service Error: "Current identity does not have write access..."
Windows Service Error: "The type initializer for 'Miner.Responder.Processors.NetworkLockingCounters' threw an exception."
NT Authority/Network Service does not have write access
Multiple Services Warning: Reset Network. Could indicate network trashing...
Start Responder Services
Web Server
Enable Internet Information Services (IIS)
Configure WebRemoting.config
Configure Web.config
Enable ASP.NET
Enable Message Queueing
Enable Default Document
Restart IIS
Configure Windows Firewall
Configure for 64-Machine for 32-Bit Processes
Add Responder Services User
Client Machine
ArcMap Remoting Configuration
Responder Explorer Configuration
Archive Explorer Configuration
Enable Message Queueing
Upgrade Existing Responder Implementation
Remove Previous OASyS PubSub Install
Configuration Batch Scripts
Config File Updates - 10.2.1c
Config File Updates - 10.2.1b
Config File Updates - 10.2.1a
Config File Updates - 10.2
Config File Updates - 10.1.1
Config File Updates - 10.1
Config File Updates - 10.0.3
Config File Updates - 10.0.2
Configuration File Updates - 10.0.1 SP1
Config File Updates - 9.3.1 SP1
Config File Updates - 9.3 Rev2
Config File Updates - 9.3 SP1
Config File Updates - 9.3
Config File Updates - 9.2.1
Config File Updates - 9.2 SP3
Config File Updates - 9.2 SP2
Config File Updates - 9.2
Config File Updates - 9.1.2 SP1
Upgrade Responder Tables
10.2.1c Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
10.2.1b Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
10.2.1a Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
10.2 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
10.1.1 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
10.1 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
10.0.3 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
10.0.2 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
10.0.1 SP1 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
9.3.1 SP1 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
9.3 Rev2 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
9.3 SP1 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
9.3 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
9.2.1 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
9.2 SP3 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
9.2 SP2 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
9.2 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
9.1.2 SP1 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
9.1.2 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
9.1 SP1 Upgrade Scripts - Oracle
Implementation Scripts - Oracle
Addon Scripts - Oracle
10.2.1c Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
10.2.1b Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
10.2.1a Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
10.2 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
10.1.1 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
10.1 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
10.0.3 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
10.0.2 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
10.0.1 SP1 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
9.3.1 SP1 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
9.3 Rev2 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
9.3 SP1 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
9.3 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
9.2.1 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
9.2 SP3 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
9.2 SP2 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
9.2 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
9.1.2 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
9.1 SP1 Upgrade Scripts - SQL Server
Implementation Scripts - SQL Server
Addon Scripts - SQLServer
Periodic Data Maintenance
Update Population Information
Notify Network Change
Delete Persistent Cache
Optional Functionality
Esri Replication Support
Set Up GUID Support
Clustering Server 2003
Responder Server
Message Router
Clustering Server 2008 R2
Responder Server 2008 R2
Message Router Server 2008 R2
Auto Reconnect
Show Callers on Customer Tab
Move Fault Upstream Respecting Downstream Phases
Disable Jumper Warning for No Upstream Feature
Notify Call Reprocess on Restore
Require Cancel Reason
Archive Explorer
Report Criteria
Facility Type
Hide Zero Count Fields
Include Major Event Days
Maximum Number of Minutes
Minimum Number of Minutes
Power Supply
Sort By
Sorting Order
TMI (Total Momentary Interruptions)
Incident Cause Codes To Exclude
Incident by ID Report
TMED Calculation
User Input
Show Canceled Children
Show Callers on Customer Tab
Time Period
Build History from Archive
Report Timeout
Support Extended Feeder Manager
Tag Validation
Switch Orders
Switch Order Approvals
Require Sequential Execution
Save Simulated Load Points
Require Removal of All Tags
Disable Automatic Recalculation
Hide Operations
Hide Execute All Button
Modify Scheduled Switching Order Filter
Filter Pending Switching Order Requests
Scheduled Switch Orders
Switch Order Tab Name
Change Context Position in Step Name
Hazard Rollup
Crew Assignment Status
Dispatcher Auto-Populate
Web Server
Set Up Map Documents
Set Halo Color
Set Client-Side Visibility
Set Scale Range
Limit Locate Results
Using Esri's Flex Viewer
Searchable Feature Classes
Set Up Without ArcGIS for Server
Modify Incident Report Map Extent
Add Fields or Customize Existing Fields
Editing Field Names/Labels
Configure Telephone Numbers
Configure Addresses
Set Default Callback Requested Value
Allow Edits to Time of Outage
Add Network Level Field
Limit Number of Customers Returned in Search
Manage Calls From Non Pay Customers
Display Restoration Estimate
Remove Default Wildcard
Make Customer Phone Numbers Read Only
Add WeatherSentry Button
Modify Default Field Values
Hide Urgent Call
Filter Dashboard Values
Remove Dashboard Values
Exclude Planned Switching Values from the Dashboard
Government Dashboard
Remove Unknown Value from Dashboard
Include Network Level Outage Statistics
Modify Calculation for Outage Cost
Remove Estimated Time of Restoration
Email Notification
Allow Duplicate Email Addresses
Modify Web Browser Timeout
Sign In with Windows Authentication
Securing Access to Responder Web
Permit Multiple Sessions Per Browser
Exclude Restored Incidents for Open Calls
Modify Web Report Criteria
Switch Order Requests
Add Devices to a Request
Assign Switch Order Map Model Names
Add Custom Fields, Domains, and Permissions
Set Halo Color
Set Client-Side Visibility
Set Scale Range
Limit Locate Results
Create Searchable Feature Classes
Client Machines
Open Web Dashboard
Display Location Map on Incident Report
Limit Number of Customers Returned by Search
Connect to Query Services on Startup
Enhanced Responder Service Performance
Setting the Multicast Network Card IP Address
Modify Time Threshold
View All When Selecting From ArcMap
Use Feeder ID Instead of Feeder Name
Responder Weather Integration
MSMQ Troubleshooting
MSMQ Timeout Errors
Diagnosing MSMQ Problems
Changing MSMQ Multicast Address
"Message Queue service is not available" when attempting to launch DataServices.exe
"InvalidOperationException: Message Queuing has not been installed on this computer" error when trying to open the Responder Data Services
Cloning Machines and MSMQ
"System.Messaging.MessageQueueException" Response Queue Error
Interface Binding Issues
Install Responder Server on a Domain Controller
"Error: database schema config settings file is missing"
"Error Processing Responder Request: Queue is not registered in the DS"
"Exception: System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater" error when running diagnostics on Responder Data Services
"HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error"
Miner.Responder.Web.Default [(null)] - Error during asynchronous postback
Opening Connection Failed while running diagnostics on the Responder Server
"ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve service name" error when running diagnostics on Responder Data Services
"Server extension failed during startup: ConfigurationSettingsServerExtension"
"Server extension failed during setup: RxEventServerExtension"
Prediction does not appear to be working, although no errors appear in the Responder Data Services console window or the event log
Responder services are blocked because of Esri license expiration messages
Responder Services User Doesn't Have Correct Permissions
Time Out When Attempting to Connect to Responder Server
Unable to start Responder Explorer on SQL Server
Using log4net
TroubleMaker Overview
Create Historical Database
Configure TroubleMaker
Assign Permissions
Run Call Simulation
Generate TM Data From Archive
Responder Windows Service
Responder Service Login
Windows Service Config File (optional)
Data Services
Responder Services Commands
Prediction Services
Responder Services Commands
Archive Services
Responder Services Commands
Line Display Services
Responder Services Commands
Message Router
Troubleshooting Windows Service
Windows Service Error: "Current identity does not have write access..."
Windows Service Error: "The type initializer for 'Miner.Responder.Processors.NetworkLockingCounters' threw an exception."
NT Authority/Network Service does not have write access
Network Adapter
Network Adapter for DMS v2 (MultiSpeak)
Network Adapter for Multispeak
Info: Substations and Switching Facilities
Data Dependencies
Configuration Requirements
Voltage Requirements
Validation and Connectivity Rules
Upgrade Batch Scripts
Analyze Data Model
Electric Distribution Data Model Worksheet
MultiSpeak Data Model Worksheet
Create XSL Style Sheet
Create Domains
Create Feature Classes
Create Relationships
Add Model Names
Assign Model Names
Configuration File
Pipeline Rules
Enable Pipeline Rules
Splitting Units
Validate XML
Supported Attributes - DMS
Default Equipment IDs
Optional Configurations
Exception Management
Disable Support for De-Energized Features
Provide Support for Extended Feeder Manager
Use MeasuredLength Value
Network Adapter for DMS v3 (CIM)
Data Dependencies
Configuration Requirements
Voltage Requirements
Validation and Connectivity Rules
Upgrade Batch Scripts
Core CIM Model
Mapping XML
Mapping Methodology
CIM Operators
Optional Mapping
Mapping Operators
Cross Referencing
Post-Processing Rules
Impedance Lookup
Substation Stitching
Configuration File
Assign Model Names
Optional Configurations
Exception Management
Disable Support for De-Energized Features
Use MeasuredLength Value
Troubleshooting Network Adapter
How do I modify voltage values in a domain?
Why does my network look like spaghetti after I port it to Windmil?
Does Network Adapter for MultiSpeak require Feeder Manager?
Does Network Adapter for MultiSpeak require related unit objects to be populated for device banks and related ConductorInfo objects to be populated for conductors?
Do I have to populate the Customer section of the Minerville MultiSpeak Electric Distribution Data Model?
Can Network Adapter handle spaces in the equipment ID?
What is Constr for?
What happens if you do not have the winding code populated on a transformer?
Can I modify a domain?
Why are some of my tie switches disconnected after importing into WindMil?
Why do all my switches get exported twice, once with the original ID, and again with '-B' appended to the ID?
Is the initial exported XML saved somewhere?
What happens if I don't have capacitor units?
What happens if I exported a field for which I have defined default values in the defaults XML, but the fields are either null or an empty string?
Are all of the fields in the supported attributes table required?
When I export a feeder, the MultiSpeak XML has only a header and no data.
Does the MultiSpeak verb matter?
In the Network Adapter MultiSpeak export dialog, the Load Case list is empty
TroubleMaker Overview
Create Historical Database
Configure TroubleMaker
Assign Permissions
Run Call Simulation
Generate TM Data From Archive