Configuring Responder
Include Major Event Days

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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You can change the default state of the Include Major Event Day check box on the following Responder Archive Explorer reports by editing the Value attribute of the report's IncludeMajorEventDays property:

To set the default to enabled for the Include Major Event Day check box in Archive Explorer:

  1. Open ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml. By default, this file is installed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  2. Look for the following XML.
<QueryClass Key="SaidiByCauseCode" Caption="Reliability Indices: SAIDI by Cause Code" Category="Browser">
         <b:Property Key="Description" Value="A tabular report of SAIDI by Cause Code." />
         <b:Property Key="TimePeriod" Value="MTD" />
         <b:Property Key="Tmi" Value="5" />
         <!--<b:Property Key="IncidentCauseCodesToExclude" Value="6,10" />
         <b:Property Key="ExcludeZeroSaidi" Value="true" />-->
         <b:Property Key="IncludeMajorEventDays" Value="false" />
Making changes to any Archive Explorer report that has a QueryClass Category="Browser" will modify that same report in Responder Web.

The above XML indicates the default  is set to NOT enabled for the Include Major Event Day check box on the Reliability Indices: SAIDI by Cause Code report.

  1. Search for the appropriate report to edit the default for the check box. Report names are found in the the Caption attribute. 
    Note: Each report appears twice in ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml - once for the Category of Browser and once for Excel.
  2. Replace the Value attribute of the IncludeMajorEventDays with True.
  3. Repeat these steps for the same report with a Category attribute of Excel.
  4. Save and close ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml. There is no need to edit ArchiveSchemaConfig.xml for this configuration.
  5. Close and reopen Responder Archive Explorer to view the updated changes.



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