Using Responder
Main Menu

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

Resource Center Home

Available in Responder Explorer.

The main menu is visible at the top of the Switching Order form and contains three categories.

The icon next to the switching order name indicates whether you've opened a switching order or a template. In the above example, the user has a switching order open. If you have a template open, the icon looks like this:

Next to the Order number you will find the switch order status (e.g., Created, In Execution). The switch order status may be one of the following:

The following statuses will be visible only if you have the Approval functionality enabled (i.e., the Approval menu is visible in the Main menu on the Switch Order Editor).


The Order pull-down menu contains the following tools:

When you assign a switching order to an incident, it is removed from the Switch Order Library.

When it's unassigned, the switching order is returned to the Switch Order Library and resides in the root folder (Library) regardless of where it may have been placed before assignment.



The Approval menu is not visible by default. You must enable the Approval functionality. See the Optional Functionality section in the Responder Configuration section enable the approval process (Configure ArcFM Solution > ArcFM Desktop > Responder > Configuration > Optional Functionality).

The Approval pull-down menu contains the following tools:



The View pull-down menu contains the following tools:



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