Using Responder
Schedule Order

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

Resource Center Home

Available in Responder Explorer.

With the proper roles and permissions, this tool allows you to set a date and time in the future at which time the switching or restoration order will be executed.

  1. Open the switching or restoration order.
  2. Select Order > Schedule Order. This brings up the Plan Execution Time window.
  3. The Start Time and Date fields default to the current date and time. Enter start time and date and a duration. Click OK to save.
  4. Close the switching or restoration order and save when prompted. The save to the scheduled order will not be saved if you don't also save the switching or restoration order.

All scheduled switching orders appear in the Scheduled Switching Orders window. Use the pulldown menu to filter scheduled switching orders by: All Scheduled, Next 24 Hours, Next 2 Days, Next Week, Past Scheduled Time, Assigned to Incident. Those switching orders that have passed their scheduled time are displayed in red text. Switching Orders that have been assigned to incidents appear in blue.

You may right-click any switching order on this window and select Edit to view it in the Switching Order Editor. You may also select View on Map to view the outage area in ArcMap. View on Map is enabled only if you have ArcMap open.


Unschedule Switching Order.

  1. Open the switching or restoration order. You may also right-click the scheduled order on the Scheduled Switching Orders tab and select Edit. This opens the associated switching or restoration order.
  2. Select Order > Schedule Order. This brings up the Plan Execution Time window.
  3. Click Unschedule. The switching order will be removed from the Scheduled Switching Orders window when you save the switching order. 
  4. Close the switching or restoration order and save when prompted. The save to the scheduled order will not be saved if you don't also save the switching or restoration order.




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