Available in Responder Explorer.
This dockable window displays details about the incident selected in the Incidents tab. If you select a call on the Calls tab or a device on the Devices tab, the information in the Incident Details window will not change to reflect the section. It displays information ONLY about the selected incident on the Incidents tab.
This window allows you to view associated features, load points, customers, customer calls, crews, callbacks, etc. The numbers in parentheses on the tabs indicate the number affected by the incident. You can right-click any device, load point, customer, or crew and Zoom To, Pan To, or Highlight it in the map.
- The Electric Features tab shows the network device(s) associated with the incident.
- The Hazards tab displays information about the hazards in the direct vicinity of the incident.
- The Crews tab shows the crew(s) assigned to the incident. If no crew has been assigned, this tab will be blank.
- The Restoration/Switching tab shows any restoration or switching orders assigned to the incident.
- The Tags tab displays all tags associated with devices in the incident.
- The Location Features tab shows the non-network feature (e.g., pole) associated with the incident.
- The Affected Loadpoints tab displays the load points affected by the incident. Expand a load point to see the customer(s) associated with it.
- The Customers tab displays the customers affected by the incident. Critical customers are highlighted in yellow. Customers shown in bold have called to report a problem. Expand a bold customer to view the call information.
- The Calls tab displays information about trouble calls received from customers. Right-click a call and select Edit Call to modify call information.
- The Callbacks tab shows the outstanding callbacks associated with the incident. This tab will remain empty until callbacks are generated according to your configuration (e.g., when the device is restored).