Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Stringing Chart

Version: 10.2.1d and 10.2.1d SP2

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The Stringing Chart displays necessary information for a construction crew to install a conductor. You can input the minimum and maximum ambient temperature to build a chart with a range of stringing values that account for variances of temperature in the field when work begins. You can use the ruling spans in the current scenario or provide a range of spans to display the Sag in Feet for that range.

Input Ruling Span Range

Select the Input Ruling Span Range checkbox to create a stringing chart with a range of span lengths and their relative sag measurements in feet. Clear the checkbox to only use the spans in the current scenario.

Click the Refresh View button after you make changes to the ruling span fields to see those changes reflected in the print preview.


Click the Refresh View button after you make changes to the temperature fields to see those changes reflected in the print preview.


Print to File - Select this checkbox to save the report as a PDF or XPS document. Once selected, the Print button becomes temporarily disabled and the printer list is replaced with the following options:

Select Objects

The triangle to the left of Select Objects will expand or collapse the list of spans that make up the current scenario. By default, each checkbox is selected for every span in the scenario. Clear any checkboxes for spans you do not want in the report. Select cleared checkboxes to put those spans back in the report.

Clearing a checkbox from a span in the Print Preview window removes the span from the report only. It has no affect on the scenario in OHDA.

Page Size and Layout

Set the paper size and orientation of the output. Select the desired page size from the drop-down list in the Page Size section. Select either Portrait or Landscape for the page orientation in the Layout section.


The Stringing Chart outputs two tables based on your selections. The uppermost table details sag and tension at the temperatures and intervals you provide in the Stringing Chart report pane. The bottom table either shows sag in feet for the ruling spans in the current scenario or the range and increments you provided on the report pane if you selected Input Ruling Span Range.    



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