Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Main Menu

Version: 10.2.1d and 10.2.1d SP2

Resource Center Home

The main menu provides two options: File and Help. Use these menus to access tools to save scenarios, edit load cases, set display options, and run reports.


You can save an Overhead Design Analysis (OHDA) scenario to an .ohda file. The Open and Save tools allow you to access an existing .ohda file or create a new one.


Opens the default scenario. If you have a scenario open with unsaved edits, OHDA will prompt you to save your changes first.


Access a scenario that has been saved to an .ohda file. If you have made changes to the current scenario, you will be prompted to save changes before opening.

OHDA opens all equipment as it appeared in the scenario when the user saved it. If an element in the saved scenario does not exist in the user's current library, a popup will inform the user which equipment is unavailable locally. OHDA will open the equipment from the .ohda file after you click OK. The program will append an '(archive)' label to the name of any element that does not exist in the current library. An exclamation icon will also precede each archived element, as well as any parent elements.
Double-clicking an .ohda file will launch OHDA and load the saved scenario.


Opens a Save Changes dialog to save the scenario to an .ohda file. The .ohda file is a compressed directory of all equipment and design specifications used in a scenario. Figure 1 highlights the asterisk in the OHDA title bar that indicates unsaved changes exist in the current scenario.

Any proposed equipment on the canvas (i.e., poles, cables, etc. added without clicking Calculate) will not be saved with the scenario.

Edit Default Load Cases

Select this option to edit, create, or delete the default load cases and load scenarios. This will open the Edit Load Cases window. View the Edit Default Load Cases topic for detailed information.


This option allows you to import an XML file with overhead design details.


Select Reports to access the Print Preview window. Here you can select a Profile Report, Per Location Report, or Stringing Chart. Once you have selected a report, you can preview the output and adjust print options before printing it. View the Reports topic in this section for detailed information.

Use Light Theme

Select the Use Light Theme checkbox to change the tool's color scheme. OHDA offers two themes (or skins). The default is darker and more easily viewed on a smaller screen. The Light Theme is more easily viewed on a projector. If you select or clear this checkbox, you must restart OHDA to see the change. Screenshots in this help file are displayed in the default dark theme.  


Select Exit to close OHDA.



Displays OHDA versioning information.

View Help

Opens the OHDA help documentation you are now reading.



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