Using Responder
Troubleshooting: Responder Explorer

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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This section covers resolutions to potential troubleshooting items that may arise in Responder Explorer.

"Access to Message Queuing system is denied" error when trying to launch Responder Explorer

"Application has generated an exception that could not be handled" error when trying to launch Responder Explorer

"Error creating DataManager, Cannot connect to the Responder middle-tier server" error when trying to launch Responder Explorer

Error occurs when attempting any device operation

Facility IDs are missing from the switching order Add Step dialog

"The file exists" error appears when attempting to access an incident report in Responder Explorer

One user can no longer print incident reports from a particular machine

"Remote object is not available" error on call entry or as a pop up message box in Responder Explorer

"Unauthorized Edit" message

"User Not Found" error prevents Responder from opening

Why am I prompted to browse to an executable after clicking the Open Responder Explorer button?

Why has Responder performance slowed?

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