Fiber Manager Configuration Guide
Configuring Fiber Manager Overview

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ArcFM Fiber Manager offers an integrated set of tools to display, manage, and analyze the fiber optic networks within a network system. This powerful set of tools provides the ability to create and manage fiber splice connections, create and manage circuits, perform network traces, and generate reports and schematic diagrams.

Classic, Flexible or Both?

Fiber Manager provides a broad range of flexibility in the features that reside in your fiber optic network. You can use the standard data model (as seen in the Minerville sample data) or create your own data model with custom model names. You can also use a combination of both.

The classic data model includes features that are commonly found in a fiber network (e.g., FiberOpticCable, SplicePoint). It also predefines how those features connect to one another in a network (i.e., their relationships). The classic data model was designed to accommodate the majority of fiber networks. This section outlines two ways to get the classic fiber schema into your geodatabase. The first option involves simply importing the schema and its configuration from the sample data. The second option involves manually creating and configuring the tables in the schema.

The flexible data model allows you to define the features and tables in your fiber schema. You could create your entire schema using the flexible data model, or you could use the classic data model and add the features specific to your business using the flexible data model.


Customers upgrading from Fiber Manager 10.2.1a Patch #1156 will need to perform the following:

  1. If necessary, configure your geodatabase with the new circuit model (see Configure/Upgrade Circuit Manager for configuration steps). These changes may already be complete.
  2. Install the most recent version of the ArcFM Solution Desktop, patch #1209 or higher, which can be found on the GIS Downloads page.
  3. Uninstall previous versions of Fiber Manager.
  4. Install Fiber Manager 10.2.1a.
  5. Run the ArcMap Configuration Cleaner if you previously upgraded to 10.2.1a.

Customers upgrading from Fiber Manager 10.2.1 and earlier will need to perform the following:

  1. Check your data to ensure that all your circuits have header information (see the Fiber Header Migration PDF for best practices).
  2. If all of your circuits have header information, proceed to the next step.
  3. Upgrade ArcFM Solution Desktop to 10.2.1a. Release installers can be found on the GIS Downloads page.
  4. Install the most recent version of the ArcFM Solution Desktop, patch #1209 or higher, which can be found on the GIS Downloads page.
  5. Install Fiber Manager 10.2.1a.
  6. Configure your geodatabase with the new circuit model (see Configure/Upgrade Circuit Manager for configuration steps).
  7. Run the Fiber Circuit Upgrade tool if existing circuits are present in your data (review the Fiber Circuit Upgrade Tool PDF for more details).


Use these data model sections only if you are implementing Fiber Manager for the first time. If you already have a version of Fiber Manager, use the steps in the Upgrade section.

Choose a means to obtain the schema:

Classic Data Model

Option 1: Import Schema and Properties from Sample Geodatabase

Option 2: Manually Create Schema and Configure

Flexible Data Model 


Patch Panel Connection Report (original version)

Flexible Patch Panel Connection Report (flexible version)

Optional Configurations

Notes on splitting lines

The only approved way to split edges belonging to your fiber network is to place a point feature whose feature class is assigned the ArcFM Fiber Optic Cable Splitter autoupdater on an edge feature whose feature class is assigned the ArcFM Validate Fiber Sheath Split autoupdater. Under no circumstances should you use any Esri split tools, especially Split Into Equal Parts, to split edges belonging to your fiber network. Corruption of your data will result from the use of such tools.



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