Fiber Manager Configuration Guide
Import Sample Schema and Properties

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If you do not already have Fiber features in your geodatabase, you may import them from the Minerville.mdb sample geodatabase. This step allows you to import the schema, as well as the model name and autoupdater assignments. If you use this process, the default values and aliases will also be set up automatically.

Import Schema

Use the ArcGIS Import/Export tools to export the schema from the sample geodatabase (Minerville.mdb) and import it into your geodatabase by following these steps:

  1. Download the Minerville.mdb geodatabase.
    • This is available in a zip file at the same location as the latest installers.
    • Be sure to use the Minerville.mdb geodatabase that comes with your most recently installed version of ArcFM to ensure that you have the most updated data.
  2. Browse to the sample geodatabase (Minerville.mdb) in ArcCatalog.
  3. Right-click FiberDataset and select Export > XML Workspace Document.
  4. Click the radio button next to Schema Only.
  5. Select a path and type an XML file name. Click Next.
  6. The Export XML Workspace Document window will prompt you to select the items to be exported. After making selections, click Finish.
  7. Once the export has completed, right-click the new geodatabase and select Import > XML Workspace Document.
  8. Select the radio button next to Schema Only.
  9. Browse to the XML document created in step 7. Click Open then click Next.
    • The subsequent screen displays the schema to be imported.
    • Any layers in red text will not be imported because the layers already exist in the geodatabase.
    • The datasets that contain these red features may be created but possibly empty. These can be deleted.
  10. Click Finish. 

ArcFM XML Import

Next, use the ArcFM Import/Export tools to export ArcFM Properties, such as domains and model name assignments, from the sample data (Minerville.mdb) and into your geodatabase by following these steps:

  1. Right-click the Minerville.mdb geodatabase and select ArcFM XML Export.
  2. Select the following checkboxes:
    • ArcFM Model Name Information
    • ArcFM Properties
    • ArcFM Relationship Class Info
    • ArcFM Snapping Information
    • Domains: Most domains are included in the Import Schema steps. However, that import does not include the Fiber model name domains that are necessary for the ArcFM Model Name Information option to successfully provide model name assignments.
  3. Browse to the location to save the file and type a name. Click Export.
  4. Right-click your geodatabase and select ArcFM XML Import.
  5. Select an Option (Keep Existing is recommended to ensure nothing is overwritten).
  6. Browse to the exported file.
  7. As required by your geodatabase implementation, to pre-pend the schema name or database and username, modify one of the .xsl files included in the ArcFM installation at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\ArcFM Solution\Bin\Style Sheets." Modify either "prefix_Oracle.xsl" for importing into Oracle, or "prefix_SQLServer.xsl" for importing into SQL Server.
  8. Select the option to "Apply Style Sheet" and type the name of the file that was modified in step 7.
  9. Click Import.


The sample data includes configuration for the Flexible Patch Panel Connection Report. However, this configuration also includes steps that involve editing existing features in the geodatabase. Follow the steps on the Flexible Patch Panel Connection Report page, in the Add Default Values to Existing Features section.

Create SpliceType Domain

The SpliceType domain provides the values in the Splice Type field in Fiber User Settings, Fiber System Settings, and Connection Manager. To create the SpliceType domain, refer to Step 2 under Manually Create Schema.




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