Using Responder
Smart Operations Solution Overview

Version: 10.1

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Available in Responder Explorer. Requires Smart Operations Solution.

The Smart Operations Solution provides real-time management of your electric network. The Smart Operations Solution is the integration of your GIS (ArcFM Solution), OMS (Responder), SCADA (OASyS), and analysis engine (DMS). This integration allows you to easily manage both telemetry and non-telemetry data.

OASyS provides Responder Data Services with telemetry data. For example, OASyS may report a device as Open (NormalStatus=Closed). The SmartGrid Listener relays this information through Data Services and an incident is created in Responder Explorer. The reverse is true when the incident is resolved and the device is Closed. Responder relays the information to OASyS through the Real-Time Framework installed with Responder Server.

Responder is a GIS hosted, distributed Outage Management System (OMS). Responder communicates with OASyS and DMS to manage both telemetry and non-telemetry data. When you have implemented the Smart Operations Solution, Responder Explorer works just as it has in the past with the addition of the the Pending Operations tab in order to manage switching operations that are awaiting a response from another application (e.g., OASyS).

Some tools in Responder are specific to SOS and available only when SOS is configured.

DMS provides Responder Data Services with non-telemetry data. For example, a DMS operator manually sets a device to Open (NormalStatus=Closed) and makes this change in DMS. The Responder Listener relays this information through Data Services and an incident is created in Responder Explorer. The reverse is true when the Responder user operates a device. Responder relays the information to DMS through the Real-Time Framework installed with Responder Server.

Network Adapter provides DMS with NormalStatus information from the GIS database. Data is exported from a GIS database that uses a MultiSpeak or Electric Data Model. Network Adapter puts it into a MultiSpeak-compliant XML and imports it into DMS. This functionality requires Implementation 6 in the Network Adapter Configuration Guide. It also requires a valid Network Adapter license. This implementation of Network Adapter as well as MultiSpeak 3.0 is necessary to support real-time integration of Responder with DMS and/or OASyS.

Integrate Responder with OASyS to access telemetry data. Network Adapter may be used to supply DMS with NormalStatus information from the GIS database. You can choose to integrate with either OASyS or DMS, or both. If you elect to integrate with both, the process flow will be similar to the figure below.

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