Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Design Redliner - Advanced

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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The primary difference between the Basic and Advanced Redliner implementations is in how graphics are stored. The Basic Design Redliner implementation stores graphics with the redline design. When the design is deleted, the graphics meet their demise as well. The Advanced Design Redliner implementation allows the field designer to store graphics as part of an annotation layer. Once the redline information has been sent to the enterprise, the graphics may be posted to SDE.Default and can remain as long as necessary without attachment to the original design.

This implementation allows the field designer retrieve a preliminary design sent from the enterprise and place redline graphics with that design before sending it back to the enterprise. A field designer may also create a new redline design, add redline graphics, then send the design to an enterprise designer.

Configuration (refer to Mobile Configuration Guide): Advanced Redliner

Required ArcFM Licenses in the Field: Redliner Extension and Designer, ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine, or the ArcFM Viewer that works with ArcGIS for Desktop Basic (formerly ArcView)

Required Esri Licenses in the Field: Engine Runtime or ArcGIS for Desktop Basic

Field Databases: Backdrop, Login (optional), Process Framework (e.g., Workflow Manager)


In the field, you may choose to use Designer, ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine, or the ArcFM Viewer that works with ArcGIS for Desktop Basic. Most commonly, ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine is used because it is a powerful, light-weight solution. The following work flow is an example. Your work flow may vary.



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