Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Send Design

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Available in: ArcFM (Process Tasks toolbar), ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine (Available Tasks), Workflow Manager (Available Tasks)



The Send Design task allows you to send a design either to the enterprise or a field designer. It is available using the Send Design button on the Workflow Manager toolbar or in the Available Tasks list. When this task is executed, it determines whether the user is in the field or on the enterprise. For field users, it presents a list of enterprise users. The field user selects a recipient of the design and clicks OK. The design packet is then sent to that user on the enterprise.

The opposite is true when the task is executed on the enterprise. The user is presented with a list of field users. The enterprise user selects a field designer and clicks OK. The design packet is then mobilized and sent to the selected field editor.




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