Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Send Design to Enterprise

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Available in: ArcFM (Process Tasks toolbar), ArcFM Viewer for ArcGIS Engine (Available Tasks), Workflow Manager (Available Tasks)



After the field designer has edited the edit packet, it must be sent back to the Enterprise database. These steps may be performed while still in the field (disconnected from the Enterprise database).

  1. The field designer must be logged in to the Workflow Manager field geodatabase. (Field WorkflowManager.mdb is the sample field database provided with the Mobile Designer install.)
  2. In Workflow Manager, select a design and choose the Send to Enterprise task from the Available Tasks field. Click the green arrow to execute.
  3. Select an enterprise designer. The packet will be assigned to this user and removed from the field designer's My Work folder.
  4. Click OK. The sketched design is moved to a folder on the network assigned to the selected designer. The design will appear locked to the field designer.

Next, the field designer must connect to the Enterprise database and run the Send/Receive Mobile Data task to make the designs available to the enterprise designer.




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