Fiber Manager > Configure Flexible Fiber Features > Model Names and AUs Used by Flexible Features > Add Features to Reports |
Use the settings below to include your custom feature in specific reports. This topic does not include configuration for the Patch Panel Connection Report. You can configure one of two versions of the Patch Panel Connection Report: Flexible or Original.
View the Configure Fiber Manager Reports help topic for additional report configuration details.
Add the following field names to linear features you want to appear in the Glass Report. The feature or object must be a linear (complex edge) object type which contains connectable objects and tracks length (e.g., FiberOpticCable).
Tips for Using this Table
Example Field Name | Data Type | Domain | Field Model Name |
NumberOfStrands | Long Integer | NUMBEROFSTRANDS | |
OverheadUnderground | Text | Fiber Overhead Underground | OVERHEADUNDERGROUND |
SheathType | Text | SHEATHTYPE |
If you want the attributes of an object to be accessible in the Schematic reports, then create a field and assign it the field model name SCHEMATICEXPORTATTRIBUTE. Once the custom feature is configured, you must also configure (or reconfigure, it if it already exists) the schematic (circuit or splice) to add your custom feature.
When you assign the SCHEMATICEXPORTATTRIBUTE model name to a new field, you will need to edit the field's storage mode in ArcCatalog's Schematics Dataset Editor. Please refer to the SCHEMATICEXPORTATTRIBUTE topic for more information. |
Example Field Name | Data Type | Field Model Name |
Any field | Any, except date | SCHEMATICEXPORTATTRIBUTE |