Using Responder
Responder Web Browser

Version: 10.1

Resource Center Home

The Responder web browser offers a wide variety of tools for various types of users. Customer Service Representatives have access to call entry forms and callback information. Dispatchers can view maps as well as utility feature information. An Administrator can add users, assign roles, and manage prediction. By default all user roles have access to the Settings tools which allow them to modify personal setting information such as password and security question. All users also have access to the Dashboard which displays outage information in a variety of ways.

The first section (User Roles) describes which tools are available for the default roles provided with the Responder installation. All other sections discuss the functionality provided by the Responder web browser.

Initial Login: When logging in for the first time, you may use the default user name and password provided. This gives access to ALL tools in the Responder web browser, including the Administrative tools. It is strongly recommended that you change the password immediately to eliminate the security risk. Default user name: administrator; Default password: adminpass.


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