Using Responder
Create Switching Operation

Version: 10.1

Resource Center Home

Available in ArcMap.

The Create Switching Operation tool allows you to create switching operations for scheduled outages. A switching operation is a step within a switching order or restoration steps that operates the selected device. Put simply, a switching operation is the same as a step in a switching order or restoration steps. The Create Switching Operation tool creates restoration steps and adds to it the switching operation that operates the selected device. It also creates an incident to which the restoration steps are assigned. Use the Edit Restoration Steps tool to add or remove steps.


Quick Steps

Create Switching Operation

  1. Locate device scheduled for an outage.
  2. Click Create Switching Operation.
  3. Click feature.
  4. Enter switching operation information.
  5. Click OK.

Responder Explorer must be open to create a switching operation in ArcMap.

  1. In ArcMap, locate the feature on the map.
  2. Click Create Switching Operation on the Responder toolbar. The cursor becomes a circle with a blue dot in the middle. The blue dot snaps to selectable features with the proper model name assigned. A layer must be set as selectable before this tool snaps to its features.
  3. Click the feature to operate. In the example below, an incident is created on the transformer over which the cursor is placed. The blue dot snaps to the transformer.

  1. The Create Switching Operation window allows the operator to enter an outage time and the name of the person who operated the device.
    You can modify the Planned Status. This field lists the phases and phase combinations that can be operated on the device. If the device's normal status is closed, the Planned field displays which phases can be opened. If the device's normal status is opened, the Planned field will show which phases can be closed.
  2. Click OK.

A switching operation symbol is placed on the feature in the map and a confirmed incident with restoration steps is created in Responder Explorer. Use the Edit Restoration Steps tool to modify the restoration steps in Responder Explorer.

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