Using Responder
Create Hazard

Version: 10.1

Resource Center Home

Available in ArcMap.

An operator can manually place a hazard on the map. Responder generates a corresponding incident in Responder Explorer. A hazard can be placed on any feature that has the RXHAZARD model name assigned (see Configuring Responder).

For example, if a customer calls and reports a burning transformer, the operator can locate the transformer on the map and create a hazard on it.

Quick Steps

Create Hazard

  1. Locate feature.
  2. Click Create Hazard.
  3. Click feature.
  4. Enter hazard information.
  5. Click OK.

Responder Explorer must be open to place a hazard in ArcMap.

  1. In ArcMap, locate the feature on the map.
  2. Click the Create Hazard button on the Responder toolbar. The cursor will become a circle with a blue dot in the middle. The blue dot snaps to selectable features with the proper model name assigned. A layer must be set as selectable before this tool will snap to its features.
  3. Click the feature on which the hazard resides. In the example below, an incident is created on the transformer over which the cursor is placed. The blue dot snaps to the transformer.

A hazard symbol is placed on the feature in the map and an incident created in Responder Explorer.

  1. The Create Hazard Incident window allows the operator to enter an outage time and an estimated restoration time as well as general information about the hazard incident. The outage time must be the current time or earlier. Responder does not allow the user to enter a future outage time.
    The Dispatcher field is filtered to display only the dispatchers that have access to the region in which the hazard resides.
  2. Click OK.

Note: The Feeder ID field is populated only when the hazard exists on a network feature (as in the example below). A hazard placed on a support structure would not display a Feeder ID value.

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