ArcFM Engine
Staker Commands Toolbar

Version: 10.1

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The Staker Commands toolbar offers tools for adding and deleting assemblies (or facilities) and stakes.




 Install Facility

Adds the selected assembly to the map and places a stake near the facility.

 Remove Facility

Removes the selected feature from the map and places a stake near the facility.

 Existing Facility

Marks a feature on the map as an existing facility and places a stake near that facility on the map.

Active Assembly

This field displays the assembly that is added to the map when a facility is installed. It maintains a list of assemblies placed in the stake job. You can select an assembly you've recently placed from the pull-down menu and place it in another location.

 Edit Tool

This is Esri's edit tool which selects and edits features and their geometries. Refer to Esri documentation for more information.

 Place Stake by GPS

Adds a stake to the map, based on the location provided by a GPS input device.

 Display Staking Sheet

Exports the current staking sheet into Excel or a browser.

 Display Bill of Materials

Displays the current bill of materials.

 Place Stake

Adds a stake to the map. This tool does not appear on the toolbar by default. It must be added using the Customize tool (Tools > Customize).


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