Some jobs might include an existing feature. For example, adding a new pole top to an existing pole. To mark a feature on the map as an existing facility, you must have a staking job open. Then, follow the steps below.
- Select the Existing Facility button
on the Staker toolbar. The cursor becomes a cross-hairs with a blue E.
- Select an assembly from the Assemblies tab that matches the existing facility you want to mark. For example, if you want to mark a pole as an existing facility, select the correct pole assembly. The Active Assembly field displays the ID of the assembly to which the cursor will snap.
- Click on the existing facility in the map to place the assembly. The cursor will snap ONLY to like features. For example, if you choose a pole on the Assemblies tab, the cursor will not snap to a transformer. It will snap only to poles.
- Depending on the Designer Staker options settings, you may be prompted to verify the backspan value.
Assemblies are placed on the map with callouts that indicate the action (E=Existing), the quantity (1), and the assembly name (40-5). You can modify the attributes associated with an assembly on the staking sheet.