Configuring the ArcFM Solution Overview > ArcCatalog Tools > ArcFM Solution Toolbar > Data Source Wizard |
The ArcFM Data Source Wizard allows you to change the data sources for the layers in stored displays, documents, page templates, map books, and designs (Designer only). This is extremely useful when moving stored displays from one server to another. Note: When using the Data Source Wizard, ensure all of the layers being moved are available in the destination server. Any layers missing in the destination server will have broken data sources.
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Once you have begun updating data sources, the tool may not be stopped, cancelled, or undone. Telvent strongly recommends that you back up the following system tables prior to using the Data Source Wizard: MM_SYSTEM_STORED_DISPLAYS, MM_STORED_DISPLAYS, MM_SYSTEM_DOCUMENTS, MM_DOCUMENTS, MM_SYSTEM_PAGE_TEMPLATES, MM_PAGE_TEMPLATES, MM_SYSTEM_PACKAGES, MM_PACKAGES. |
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The Data Source Wizard is unable to restore joins and relates after connecting a stored display to a new data source. If your stored display contains joins and/or relates, they must be restored manually after executing the Data Source Wizard. |
The ArcFM Data Source Wizard tool is enabled on the ArcFM Solution toolbar only when you have selected a geodatabase in ArcCatalog.
Follow these procedures to update data sources for your stored displays and documents:
Sessions, Designs, and Mobile Designs
Stored displays, page templates and map books associated with sessions and designs may also be included in the update. When these are displayed in the Data Source Wizard, they are shown by the IDs assigned by ArcFM rather than the user-defined values in the Name field. If you wish to update the data sources for a particular session or design, be sure to look for it with this ID.
In Session Manager, use the Session ID displayed at the top of the right-hand window when the session is selected. In Workflow Manager, use the value in the Work Request Number field.
If you have included a design with multiple data sources (e.g., mobile designs), the connection to the workspace is updated (the connection to the mobile packet remains). The user will be prompted to select a data source when the design is opened. The user may elect to connect data to the workspace or the mobile packet. Generally users on the enterprise will connect to the workspace and users in the field will connect to the mobile packet.
SDE Connections: When setting database connections in steps 6 and 7, you may be prompted to enter a user name and password by Esri's Database Connection window. Enter the requested information and click OK. The Select Version window may prompt you to choose a version. Select and click OK. Cancelling either of these windows leaves the ArcSDE Database fields empty.
Authentication: If you're using an ArcSDE geodatabase, you may select the type of Authentication. Database authentication requires the user to enter their user name and password when logging into an ArcFM application. Operating system authentication (or single sign-on) uses the user's Windows login name and password.
SQLServer: If you're connecting to a SQLServer database, enter the database in which the feature data is stored. DO NOT enter the database in which the ArcFM system tables are stored. Entering the wrong database will result in broken data source connections.
Note that this process may take an extended period of time, depending on the number of layers being connected. Once this process has started, it cannot be stopped or cancelled. If errors occur during the process, it will not be stopped. All errors are appended to the log file which may be accessed after the conversion is complete.
While the tool is connecting the layers, there are a few instances in which you may be prompted by Esri's connection dialog. If you are attempting to connect layers to the same database to which they are already connected, you may be prompted to enter your user name/password information by Esri's connection dialog. If you are prompted to connect to the correct database, enter the required information and click OK. If you click Cancel, layers will no longer be connected to that database. Another instance in which you may be prompted for login information is when the stored display contains joins and relates. Again, if you are prompted to enter login information and the database is the correct one, enter the required information and click OK.
If you included designs in your update, you may wish to update the design workspaces as well. Use the Workflow Manager Data Source Wizard to do this.