Using Responder
Restore Device

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

Resource Center Home

Available in Responder Explorer.

Responder understands a "Restore" status to mean that all customers that were impacted by the incident now have power. This can be a repaired device or a backfeed. Less frequently, Responder defines "Restore" as all devices in the incident are in a restored state. This definition of "Restore" applies only when there are no customers originally impacted by the incident (the initial customer count is 0).

The user may execute the Restore tool to restore an incident device (regardless of confirm status). When the user clicks Restore, a step is executed and added to the Restoration steps (placed after the last executed step). If Restoration Steps haven't been created, clicking Restore will create new Restoration Steps. The Restore step will be executed and added to the Restoration Steps.

You cannot use the Restore right-click tool on a device if the Restoration Steps are already opened in the Switching Order Editor.

Multi-Customer Load Points: When an incident with a multi-customer load point (e.g., apartment building) is restored, all customers are considered restored. If you should choose to re-open the fault using the Edit tool, any changes made to the load point using the Select Affected Customers tool will be lost. Only customers who called will be marked as out.

Responder Mobile: If a Mobile crew is assigned to an incident, the Restore tool will remain disabled.

Quick Steps


  1. Right-click fault device.
  2. Select Restore.
  3. Enter Executed By.
  4. Set Time.
  5. Click OK.

After an incident device has been repaired in the field, it must be restored in Responder Explorer. This indicates that the device is functional and should no longer be associated with an incident. Once the incident device has been restored and power has been restored to the customers, the incident should be closed as well.

Only load points with "No Power" outages may be restored using this tool. This includes multi-customer load points. Any customer on a multi-customer load point that has a Trouble designation other than "No Power" will NOT be included in the restoration

Right-click an incident device on the Incidents tab in Responder Explorer and select Restore. 

  1. Select a name in the Executed By field. If only one crew member exists in the Executed By field, that name will automatically populate the field. If you are viewing only your regions, this field is filtered to include only crew members that are assigned to the region in which the incident resides.
  2. Set the time of operation in the Time field. This field defaults to the current time.
    Past Restoration Times: Responder allows the dispatcher to enter a restoration time in the past. For example if the fault was restored at 6pm and the restoration logged in Responder at 7pm, the dispatcher can enter a restoration time of 6pm. In this case, if a customer call associated with that device is received later than 6pm (e.g., 6:30pm), a single-premise incident will be generated and the call associated with it. This ensures that calls received after a device is restored are addressed.
    Planned: This field defaults to the value that restores the device to the status in the Expected field. For devices with more than one phase, you may change the Planned status and perform a partial restoration. You may only close phases on a device that is normally closed on at least one phase. Any load points affected by the restored phase are restored as well.

  3. Click OK.

When an incident is restored, Responder automatically creates and executes restoration steps. After restoration, the incident may be completed.

A status of Restored means that the customer count for the incident has been set to zero. If an incident in a de-energized area has an initial customer count of zero (no customers are affected by the incident) and the device is closed, the status will be set to Restored.

Click the Set to Now tool to set the field to the current date and time.



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