Using Responder
One Device Part of Multiple Incidents

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

Resource Center Home

Responder allows for a device to be added to more than one incident. The device must be in a Normal state on any and all incidents that it's a part of at the time of addition to a new incident. For example, if a device is part of a Switching Order (SO) Incident, and it has been opened then closed back to a Normal state, a tool such as Create Fault or Add Fault could be used to add a fault on this device on an entirely different incident.

If users encounter the following scenario, they will experience unexpected results:

  • Two SOs are open in the Switch Order Editor in two separate browser tabs, and
  • Each SO contains a step that has the same device assigned, and
  • Each SO is part of a different incident.



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