Fiber Manager Configuration Guide
Add to Fiber Circuits

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

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A circuit is defined as a path of glass that carries one or more wavelengths of light along the path. Circuit Manager allows you to manage circuit information by creating and editing circuits associated with an end-to-end path in the fiber network. Most commonly, connectable objects participate in the Circuit Manager.

This topic describes the settings needed for a feature participating in the Circuit Manager.  It includes a table that shows the settings used by all features participating in the Circuit Manager.

Tips for Using this Table

  • The Example Field and Data Type columns contain values entered when the feature is created. If using the worksheet, record these values in Table 5.
  • The Field Model Name column contains values entered in the ArcFM Properties Manager on the Field Model Names tab. If using the worksheet, record these values in Table 5.
  • The Class Model Name column contains values entered in the ArcFM Properties Manager on the Model Names tab. If using the worksheet, record these values in Table 4.



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