Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Designer Express Toolbar

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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The Designer Express toolbar provides the following tools.


Open Workflow Manager

Opens Workflow Manager, the only place you can create or open express designs.

Save Express Design

Saves the edits made to the open express design.

NOTE: If you end the edit session you will not be able to save your express design or changes to it.

Close Express Design

Closes the express design after reconciling and posting it.

Design Estimate

Displays the Design Estimate window. This window calculates an estimated cost of the express design. 


Lists all available palettes. Select a palette to display its design features in the Design Palette tab.

Palette Manager

Opens the Palette Manager. Use the Palette Manager to create, edit and delete palettes.

Designer Express Abandon Tool

This tool marks a feature (or group of features) as abandoned. However, the feature will not be actually abandoned until after the express design is converted.

Designer Express Remove

This tool marks a feature (or group of features) as abandoned and removed. However, the feature will not be actually abandoned and removed until after the express design is converted to a standard design.

Express Facility Sketcher

This tool allows you to select a regular feature, create a corresponding design feature class (DFC) based on the selected feature.

Copy Design Features

This tool copies design feature classes (DFCs) and their associated cost items from other express designs into the open express design.

Show Design List

This tool show or hide express designs. It also allows you to copy whole express designs.


Manage Cost Item Library

This tool provides the ability to add, edit or delete the cost items.




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