Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Copy Design Feature Classes

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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The Copy Design Features tool copies design feature classes (DFCs) and their associated cost items from other express designs into the open express design. This tool is useful for copying parts of an existing design in order to modify or provide an alternative design.

The Copy Design Feature button is enabled when you open an express design with a status of In Design or Approved.


  1. Open an express design with a status of In Design or Approved.
  2. Select the DFCs you want to copy. Unselected DFCs will not be copied.

  3. Click the Copy Design Features button.
  4. A message stating the number of DFCs you selected and will be copied appear. If the number is accurate, select yes.
  5. The new DFCs and their associated cost items appear in the Design Estimate of the open express design. If no cost items are assigned to the DFCs in the original express design, then no cost items will be assigned to the copied DFCs.




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