Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Macro Favorites

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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A macro favorite is generally used to place spatial (or symbolized) CUs along with their associated non-spatial (non-symbolized) CUs. A macro favorite allows you to send features with multiple non-symbolized CUs to the Targets tab with one click. All symbolized CUs in a macro favorite (there may be multiple) must have the same geometric type (line, point, polygon). When you place a macro favorite, a line or point is placed on the map for each symbolized CU in the macro favorite. All CUs in the macro favorite (symbolized or non-symbolized) will appear on the Design tab. Macro favorites may only be created on the CUs tab.

A macro favorite differs from a favorite in that it allows the user to place multiple symbolized CUs with one click. A favorite allows you to place only one symbolized CU. You can include non-symbolized CUs in a macro, but not in a composite favorite.



Only an administrator may create a system macro favorite in the System Favorites folder. System macro favorites are available to all users connected to the geodatabase. Any user may create a user macro favorite which is available only to the user who created it.

  1. Right-click a category on the CUs tab and select Create Macro Favorite.
  2. Drag CUs (both symbolized and non-symbolized) from the CUs tab and drop them on the New Macro Favorite node.
  3. In the Create Macro window, add a description in the Description field. When you click Create, this name will appear on the CUs tab.
  4. Select a Snap Like feature and an Edit Task.

    You may select CUs to view and edit attributes in the right side of the window. Expand the CU and select the child level to view and edit Work Management System (WMS) information. Non-spatial CUs will contain only WMS information since they do not have spatial attributes.

  5. Click Create to save the macro favorite. The description will appear on the CUs tab. Each time you click Create another macro favorite is added to the CUs tab. You may have multiple favorites with the same name.
  6. Click Close to close the Create Macro window.



To edit an existing macro favorite, right-click it on the CUs tab and select Edit Macro Favorite. Use the object editor grid on the right side of the window to edit attributes of the selected CU. Modified values have a field label displayed in blue. If a field does not accept a Null value and no value is assigned, it is highlighted in yellow. You may also edit the Description, Snap Like Feature and Edit Task fields available when you have the top node selected. The Create Copy button is discussed later in this section.


Delete: To delete a macro favorite, right-click it on the CUs tab and select Delete. You may also select it and press Delete on the keyboard.




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