Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Create Copy

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

Resource Center Home

You may want to copy a favorite, composite favorite, template favorite, or macro favorite (Designer only) and make minor modifications instead of creating an entirely new favorite. For ArcFM users, favorites are visible on the Features list (Designer users see note below). The Create Copy button is how you initiate this process.

Designer users

You can access favorites, composite favorites, and template favorites on the CU list as well as the Features list. Macro favorites are available only to Designer users and only on the CUs list.

  1. Right-click the favorite and select the Edit tool (e.g., Edit Favorite, Edit Composite Favorite, Edit Template Favorite, or Edit Macro Favorite) to display the Edit Favorite dialog.
  2. You may enter a new description for the favorite in the Description field. If you do not rename it, you will have multiple favorites with the same name.
  3. Click Create Copy. The renamed favorite will be saved in the same favorite category as the originally selected favorite. You may drag and drop the new favorite to another category, if you want.
  4. You can edit this copy as needed. See Edit Favorites, Edit Composite Favorites, or Edit Template Favorite for more information. (Designer users may view Edit Macro Favorites.)

The favorite Alternate Switching Facility was created from Switching Facility using the Create Copy button.




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