Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Begin Construction

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

Resource Center Home

Once the design has been approved, construction may begin in the field. While installing the designed facilities, construction crews may be required to deviate from the originally approved design. When construction is complete, a listing of these As-Built changes will be provided. These changes must be made to the design so it matches what was actually constructed in the field.

To begin As-Built Editing, click the Begin Construction button. This button will be enabled only for the design's current owner. This transition changes the design's state to As-Built and the WR's state to In Construction. You may make changes to the design in Designer. Next the design must be reconciled and posted.

In the default workflow, the Approval Officer is the owner of a design with an As-Built Editing status. You may use the Change Owner button to assign the design to a designer or editor for As-Built Editing.




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