Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Change Owner

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

Resource Center Home

As work requests and designs travel through their respective process flows, they are periodically re-assigned to different owners based on their status. For example, when a design is submitted by a Designer, ownership of that design is transferred to the Approval Officer. The same is true when an Approval Officer rejects a design and assigns it to a Designer.

Workflow Manager provides the functionality to manually re-assign work requests and designs to new owners without a change in status. This may be necessary if a Designer leaves for vacation before a design is finished and has another Designer complete it. The lucky vacationing Designer would change ownership of the design to the second, not-so-lucky Designer.

Workflow Manager adheres to several rules when changing the work request or design owner.

To change the owner:

  1. Select the work request or design in the tree.
  2. Click the Change Owner button.
  3. Select a name from the list in the Select New Owner window.
  4. Click OK.
  5. The Current Owner field will be modified to reflect the new owner.




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