Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Prediction Services Configuration

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The prediction services configuration file (Miner.Responder.PredictionServices.exe.config) is an XML file that must be configured to use Responder's prediction services. You may edit the file by opening it in an XML application (such as XML Spy) or by opening it in a simple text editor (such as Notepad). Miner.Responder.PredictionServices.exe.config is installed in: Program Files(x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server\.

Do not edit XML files using a word processing program such as WordPad or Microsoft Word as it may corrupt your configuration file.

In the first steps, you'll perform a configuration very similar to the Data Services configuration. In later steps, you'll determine how your Prediction Engine will formulate predictions.

  1. Look for the following XML:
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<miner.responder.server.configuration default="ConfigurationName">
    <multicast group="" port="6679" ttl="2"/>
      <connectionString>Data Source=instance name;Min Pool Size=2;User ID=Responder user ID;Password=Responder password</connectionString>
      <providerFactoryClass type="Miner.Data.Access.ProviderFactories.OracleProviderFactory, Miner.Data.Access"/>
      <syntaxClass type="Miner.Data.Access.OracleDataSyntax, Miner.Data.Access"/>
      <server>geodatabase server name</server>
      <instance>geodatabase server instance</instance>
      <database>SQL server database name</database>
      <user>GIS user ID for the database owner</user>
      <password>GIS user password</password>
      <version>version name</version>
      <dataset>dataset name</dataset>
      <network>geometric network name</network>
  1. First, you will set up a <configuration> section for each database to connect to. You will need to modify the following attributes:
    • configuration name: This is a unique name that identifies this specific connection.
    • connectionstring: This is the connection information to the Responder server. Enter the server name, user and password necessary to connect to it.

    Min Pool Size: This optional attribute in the connection string sets the minimum number of pooled database connections. When the number of pooled connections exceeds the Min Pool Size setting any idle connections will be disconnected without falling below that Min Pool Size threshold. Recommended Min Pool Size setting for Prediction Services: 2

    • geodatabase: The <geodatabase> section contains connection information to the server that hosts the geodatabase. Inlude the server name and instance. If you're using a SQLServer, enter the database name. Also include the user name and password to login as well as the version, dataset and network.
  2. You can set up additional connections to different database servers. Just copy the XML from step 2 and modify it for another server.
  3. Next, identify the connection to enable. Look for the following XML:

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<miner.responder.server.configuration default="ConfigurationName">

  1. Set the name attribute to match the configuration name to enable.

Once the server information has been configured, you may set up the prediction settings. Look for the following XML:

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<PredictionThresholdInfo probableStatePollingFrequency="00:01:00" callStewPollingFrequency="00:00:45">
  <ThresholdInfo mode="default" bothThresholdsMustPass="false" predictOnConfirmedIncidents="false"
        probableStateCandidateElevationTime="01:00:00" callStewCookTime="00:10:00">
  1. Once you've located the above XML in your Miner.Responder.PredictionServices.exe.config file, you may need to modify the following values:

Consider carefully when setting the probableStateCandidateElevationTime value. This value determines the amount of time after which an unconfirmed incident is set to Probable. Probable incidents are NOT rolled up as part of the prediction process. Setting the probableStateCandidateElevationTime too low may set incidents to Probable too soon and prevent calls from rolling up to a suspected device.

Also, if you set the probableStateCandidateElevationTime low and the callStewCookTime high, calls that have been held a certain amount of time may result in incidents that immediately become Probable.

  1. Save and close Miner.Responder.PredictionServices.exe.config.

It is important to note that prediction will not occur on a device if it has only one child. This is because prediction assumes the lowest possible device is responsible, and there is no additional information to help determine if the lower or upper device is likely to be out.

You may run diagnostics to test the database and geometric network connections. This service also allows you to enable a particular prediction mode.

If you choose to start the Responder Services (e.g., Prediction Services) using the Responder Windows Service, you may log off of the machine. The Responder Services will continue to run until stopped. If you run Responder Services using the individual executable files (e.g., Miner.Responder.PredictionServices.exe), you must remain logged on to the server. Logging off will stop the Responder Services.



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