Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Responder Windows Service

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The Responder Windows Service allows you to configure and manage your data, prediction, and archive services. Using this Windows Service, you may configure these Responder services and determine the number of them running with specific arguments. This page/link will not work until you have started the Responder Windows Service. Complete the Responder Service Login section before starting this Service from the Start menu.

You will need to add a Responder Services User prior to this section, but you need to complete the Web Server configuration first.

To view the Responder Windows Service web interface, select the following link in the Responder folder (Start menu) or click the following link: http://localhost:7997/default.aspx. This link will not work if you have modified the port number. This page/link will not work until you have started the Responder Windows Service. Complete the Responder Service Login section below before starting this Service from the Start menu.

To stop the Responder Windows Service, browse and select to Start > All Programs > ArcFM Solution > Responder > Stop Responder Windows Service. Closing the Responder Service Configuration window will not stop the services you've started.

Once you have started the Responder Services (e.g., Data Services), you may log off of the machine. The Responder Services will continue to run until stopped.

If you are running both Responder Explorer and Archive Explorer, multiple instances of Data Services should be started. The following is recommended per processor: three instances of Data Services, two instances of Archive Services and one instance of Prediction Services. Responder does not support running more instances of Prediction Services than Data Services.



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