Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Network Adapter - Enable Pipeline Rules

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This step is performed on the Responder Server.

Network Adapter provides pipeline rules that are used by real-time integration for OASyS and DMS. This configuration must be done if you are implementing OASyS and/or DMS enable the pipeline rule(s) that apply.

  1. Open NetworkAdapter.exe.config. This file is installed in the ArcFM Solution\Bin directory. This is the same configuration file as in the previous step.

    Network Adapter provides the following rules that may be uncommented for the integration.

    • PopulateOasysRealTimeIDs: This rule is required by the OASyS real-time integration. It retrieves SCADA IDs from the XML exported by Network Adapter and maps them to OASyS features in the Smart Grid mapping tables.
    • PopulateDMSRealTimeIDs: This rule is required by the DMS real-time integration. It looks in the XML exported by Network Adapter for any features that do NOT have SCADA IDs and maps them to DMS features in the Smart Grid mapping tables.
    • Send to DMS: This rule sends data exported by Network Adapter directly to DMS. Enable it (by removing the comment marks) to ONLY to send exported feeders directly to DMS.
  2. Look for the following bit of XML. Remove the comment marks for the rules to use (<!-- and -->). Note that there are rules for Oracle and for SQL Server. Uncomment those that apply to your geodatabase. By default, the SQL Server pipeline rules are commented out
Copy Code
<!-- Populate SmartGrid Mapping Tables - Oracle -->
<add name="PopulateOASySRealTimeIDs"
      ChildName="Save File"
      type="Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter.LoadOasysRealTimeIDs`1[[Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.ElectricExportScope, Miner.Geodatabase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc&cd;, Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc"
      ConnectionString="Data Source=ORCC.MARSHALL;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=SMARTGRID;Password=SMARTGRID"
      DbProviderType="Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter.OracleClientProvider, Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc"/>
<add name="PopulateDMSRealTimeIDs"
      type="Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter.LoadDMSRealTimeIDs`1[[Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.ElectricExportScope, Miner.Geodatabase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc&cd;, Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc"
      ConnectionString="Data Source=ORCC.MARSHALL;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=SMARTGRID;Password=SMARTGRID"
      DbProviderType="Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter.OracleClientProvider, Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc">
      <add name="breaker" />
      <add name="recloser" />
      <add name="sectionalizer" />
      <add name="fuse" />
      <add name="switch" />
      <add name="transformer" />          
<!-- Populate SmartGrid Mapping Tables - SQL Server -->
<!--<add name="PopulateOASySRealTimeIDs"
      ChildName="Save File"
      type="Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter.LoadOasysRealTimeIDs`1[[Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.ElectricExportScope, Miner.Geodatabase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc&cd;, Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc"
      ConnectionString="Server=optimus;Database=SMARTGRID;User ID=smartgrid;Password=smartgrid"
      DbProviderType="Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter.SqlServerClientProvider, Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc"/>
<!--<add name="PopulateDMSRealTimeIDs"
      type="Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter.LoadDMSRealTimeIDs`1[[Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.ElectricExportScope, Miner.Geodatabase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc&cd;, Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc"
      ConnectionString="Server=optimus;Database=SMARTGRID;User ID=smartgrid;Password=smartgrid"
      DbProviderType="Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter.SqlServerClientProvider, Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc">         
      <add name="breaker" />
      <add name="recloser" />
      <add name="sectionalizer" />
      <add name="fuse" />
      <add name="switch" />
      <add name="transformer" />          
<add name="Send to DMS"
      ChildName="Save File"
      type="Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter.Senders.SendToDMS`1[[Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.ElectricExportScope, Miner.Geodatabase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc&cd;, Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" />
  1. PopulateOasysRealTimeIDs and PopulateDMSRealTimeIDs both load the mapping tables. By default, these pipeline rules load Oracle versions of the Smart Grid mapping tables. You can modify the XML for these two pipeline rules to load SQL Server tables instead. Change the DbProviderType.
    Oracle DbProviderType
    Copy Code
    "Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter.OracleClientProvider, Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc"
    SQL Server DbProviderType
    Copy Code
    "Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter.SqlServerClientProvider, Miner.Geodatabase.NetworkAdapter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc"
  2. Remove the comment tags (<!-- and -->) for the rules to enable.
  3. Set the ChildName tags to the active rule previous to the current rule in the XML. In the example below, PopulateDMSRealTimeIDs (second rule) has a ChildName value of PopulateOasysRealTimeIDs indicating the rule that precedes it in the XML. The default ChildName value for Send to DMS MUST be modified if you enable either or both of the rules before it.
  4. Optional. You may also edit the devices that populate the mapping table for DMS. These are generally switchable devices that may be operated for a switching/restoration order or an incident. The following bit of XML (it's also in the example above) shows the devices listed by default. You may add to this list to include another device or remove an existing device. The name attribute corresponds to the element name in the MultiSpeak XML.
                    <add name="breaker" />
                    <add name="recloser" />
                    <add name="sectionalizer" />
                    <add name="fuse" />
                    <add name="switch" />
                    <add name="transformer" />
  5. If you enable PopulateOasysRealTimeIDs and/or PopulateDMSRealTimeIDs, provide the name of the server on which DMS is installed and the login information for the SMARTGRID user (also highlighted in yellow).


Set MultiSpeak Transformation Style Sheet

In the following steps, you’ll determine which style sheet to use when transforming your XML to a MultiSpeak format. Look for the following XML:

Copy Code
<add name="multispeak transformation" XslFileName="NetAdapterMsp_DMS.xsl" ChildName="remove namespace"
Miner.Geodatabase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc&cd;, Miner.Geodatabase,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc">
    <add name="AllowPhasedScadaControls" ParameterValue="false"/>


  1. The XslFileName attribute determines the style sheet used for the XML transformation. If you are exporting from data that uses an Electric Distribution data model, use the NetAdapterElecDistToMsp_DMS.xsl. If you’re exporting data that uses the Minerville MultiSpeak data model, use the NetAdapterMsp_DMS.xsl style sheet. By default, these style sheets are installed here: Program Files (x86)\ArcFM Solution\Bin\Style Sheets.
  2. Remember to ensure that the ChildName attribute reflects the item that comes before it in the XML.
  3. The MultiSpeak Transformation section may contain several parameters.
    • AllowPhasedScadaControls: When this setting is False, Network Adapter exports a ScadaPoint with the same phasing as the bank feature. For example, if the bank operates on phase ABC, Network Adapter exports a single ScadaPoint for phase ABC. Default = false
      When this value is set to True, a multiple-phase ScadaPoint is split up into single-phase SCADA points. The exception to the True setting is when the field with the FDRMGRGANGOPERATED model name is set to Yes. In this case, there will still be a single ScadaPoint for all of the feature's operational phases (as if the AllowPhasedScadaControls value were set to False). 
    • Split...Units: These parameters are optional and not included in the XML by default. When these parameters are set to "false", then a single three-phase unit is exported as a single three-phase unit in the XML. If set to "true", the units for that feature (Transformer, Breaker, Recloser, Sectionalizer, Fuse, Switch) are split and exported as single phase units in the XML. For example, a three-phase unit is depicted in the XML as three single-phase units. Default = false (not included in XML). Refer to the Splitting Units page for more information.

The exceptions are capacitors and conductors; MultiSpeak allows only single-phase capacitor units and conductor units.

To include the Split Units parameters, add the XML to the <XsltParamters> tag as shown below.

Copy Code
    <add name="AllowPhasedScadaControls" ParameterValue="false"/>
    <add name="SplitTransformerUnits" ParameterValue="false"/>
    <add name="SplitBreakerUnits" ParameterValue="true"/>
    <add name="SplitRecloserUnits" ParameterValue="true"/>
    <add name="SplitSectionalizerUnits" ParameterValue="true"/>
    <add name="SplitFuseUnits" ParameterValue="true"/>
    <add name="SplitSwitchUnits" ParameterValue="true"/>

Once you have configured the NetworkAdapter.exe.config file, you will need to assign the appropriate model names in the geodatabase.



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