Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Splitting Units

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When determining whether to split bank units, consider how banked units are mapped in DMS. For example, if a transformer with one 3-phase unit has different electric properties than a transformer with three 1-phase units, then they will be mapped differently in DMS. In this case it would be wise to not split the banked units. If these two types of transformers have the same electric properties and you want them to be mapped to the same CatalogID in DMS, then you would split the units.

DMS takes the equipment ID assigned to the unit and uses it to create a CatalogID which maps to DMS data. If DMS encounters a feature with multiple units, it concatenates the multiple equipment IDs into a single Catalog ID.

This concatenation occurs in two different ways depending on whether you’ve chosen to split the units or not.

Split Units

Note how the CatalogIDs for both types of transformers are the same. Both transformer types are mapped to the same device in DMS.

XFR700 has a 3-phase unit (EquipmentID = 3PH_150KVA)

CatalogID = 1PH_50KVA_1PH_50KVA_1PH_50KVA

The 3-phase unit in the example above is split into EquipmentIDs for three 1-phase units, which are concatenated into a CatalogID.


XFR701 has the following:

1-phase unit (EquipmentID = 1PH_50KVA)

1-phase unit (EquipmentID = 1PH_50KVA)

1-phase unit (EquipmentID = 1PH_50KVA)

CatalogID = 1PH_50KVA_1PH_50KVA_1PH_50KVA


Do Not Split Units

Note how the CatalogIDs for the tranformers are different. Each transformer type is mapped to a different device in DMS.

XFR700 has a 3-phase unit (EquipmentID = 3PH_150KVA)

CatalogID = 3PH_150KVA


XFR701 has the following:

1-phase unit (EquipmentID = 1PH_50KVA)

1-phase unit (EquipmentID = 1PH_50KVA)

1-phase unit (EquipmentID = 1PH_50KVA)

CatalogID = 1PH_50KVA_1PH_50KVA_1PH_50KVA




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