Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Create Definition Queries

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Rather than using Join Layers to create the Calls and Load Points layers, you can use Definition Queries. All other Responder layers are created using XY Event Layers or Query Layers. With this method, Responder users may see an increased performance.

If you encounter errors while progressing through the steps below, read this Knowledge Base article in exchange for more information.

This applies to the LoadPoints and Calls layers.

  1. In ArcMap, right-click Responder_cached on the Display tab and select Add Data.
  2. Add the ServicePoint feature class. This is the class on which the definition query will be created.
  3. Right-click the ServicePoint layer you just added and select Properties.
  4. Select the Definition Query tab.
  5. Enter the query. Samples are provided below. You must add a new layer for each definition query. To create definition queries for both loadpoints and calls, then you must add the ServicePoint feature class to the map twice.


In the sample below, the query connects the ServicePoint feature class (on which the definition query exists) to the rx_loadpoints table. Be sure your query reflects the accurate table name and owner (responder, in the example).

objectid in (select device_oid from responder.rx_loadpoints)


In the sample below, the query connects the ServicePoint feature class (on which the definition query exists) to the rx_calls table. Be sure your query reflects the accurate table name and owner (responder, in the example).

objectid in (select device_oid from responder.rx_calls)
  1. Once you've finished adding the definition query, click Apply.
  2. Next, select the General tab. Here you can name the layer using the Layer Name field (e.g., Loadpoints, Calls). Click Apply.
  3. Click the Symbology field to determine how these features appear on the map. In the Show column, select Single Symbol under Features.
  4. At the right, click the symbol to edit it.

  1. Click OK to save changes and dismiss the Layer Properties.





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