Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Archive Services Configuration

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The Archive Services configuration file (Miner.Responder.ArchiveServices.exe.config) is an XML file that must be configured to use Responder's Archive Services. You may edit the file by opening it in an XML application (such as XML Spy) or by opening it in a simple text editing program (such as Notepad). Miner.Responder.ArchiveServices.exe.config is installed in: Responder\Server\. This file contains several sample configurations in the <miner.responder.server.configuration> section. These sample configurations may be deleted and replaced with those specific to your business.

When entering connection information, remember that you must log into the database as the data owner. Therefore, the User ID must belong to the owner of the data.

We recommend using direct connections to the database. Refer to Esri's ArcGIS for Desktop help for information about setting up direct connections.

You will look for specific XML tags and then edit the properties contained within those tags.

  1. Open Miner.Responder.ArchiveServices.exe.config. By default this file is installed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  2. Look for the following XML:
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  <configuration name="minerville">
    <multicast group="" port="6679" ttl="2" />
        Data Source=drexel.minerville;
    Min Pool Size=2;
        User ID=rxarchive;
      <providerFactoryClass type="Miner.Data.Access.ProviderFactories.OracleProviderFactory, Miner.Data.Access" />
      <syntaxClass type="Miner.Data.Access.OracleDataSyntax, Miner.Data.Access" />
      <file name="ControlStyles" path="ArchiveStylesConfig.xml" />
      <file name="ArchiveSubmitRules" path="ArchiveSubmitRulesConfig.xml" />
      <file name="ArchiveQueries" path="ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml" />
  1. You will create a <configuration> section for each geodatabase connection. First, assign it a unique name in the Configuration name field. This value cannot contain a dash (-) character.
  2. Next, set up the connection information in the <connectionString> section. This is the information necessary to connect to the Responder server.

Min Pool Size: This optional attribute in the connection string sets the minimum number of pooled database connections. When the number of pooled connections exceeds the Min Pool Size setting any idle connections will be disconnected without falling below that Min Pool Size threshold. Recommended Min Pool Size setting for Archive Services: 2

  1. Next, locate the <files> section (see XML sample above).
  2. Enter the name of the configuration to be used by default. This section contains several sample connection configurations. Replace these with connections specific to your environment. This value cannot contain a dash (-) character.
  3. Ensure the path to ArchiveStylesConfig.xml is correct. The path automatically should be set correctly during installation. By default, the ArchiveStylesConfig.xml file is installed in the same directory as the Archive Services configuration file.
  4. Ensure the path to ArchiveSubmitRulesConfig.xml is correct. The path automatically should be set correctly during installation. By default, the ArchiveSubmitRulesConfig.xml file is installed in the same directory as the Archive Services configuration file.
  5. Ensure the path to ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml is correct. The path automatically should be set correctly during installation. By default, the ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml file is installed in the same directory as the Archive Services configuration file.
  6. Look for the following XML:
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<miner.responder.server.configuration default="ConfigurationName">
  1. In the default field, enter the name of the configuration to be used by default. This value will correspond to the Configuration name value for one of the connection configuration sections you created in the previous steps.
  2. Next look for the <connectionStrings> section. This section provides Archive Services access to the database that contains the RX_ tables. You will need to set up a connection string for each possible connection in the <miner.responder.server.configuration> section.
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  <add name="rxdb.minerville" connectionString="Data Source=drexel.minerville;User ID=sde;Password=sde" providerName="System.Data.OracleClient"/>
  <add name="rxdb.groucho" connectionString="Data Source=groucho;User ID=responder;Password=responder" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
  1. In the connectionStrings section, create an <add...> tag for each connection created in the previous steps. The Name value should be "rxdb." followed by the configuration name. For example, if a configuration name is minerville: rxdb.minerville. 
  2. Use the connectionString attribute to enter the connection information. The User ID and Password should be that of a user who has read access to the RX_Users, RX_Roles and RX_Permissions tables. The providerName value should be System.Data.SqlClient for SQLServer instances and System.Data.OracleClient for Oracle instances.
  3. Save and close Miner.Responder.ArchiveServices.exe.config. The remainder of the XML file does not need to be modified for basic configuration.

You may run diagnostics to test the database and geometric network connections.

If you choose to start the Responder Services (e.g., Archive Services) using the Responder Windows Service, you may log off of the machine. The Responder Services will continue to run until stopped. If you run Responder Services using the individual executable files (e.g., Miner.Responder.ArchiveServices.exe), you must remain logged on to the server. Logging off will stop the Responder Services.



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