Fiber Manager Configuration Guide
Create Schema Step 5: F_ CIRCUITCOMPONENT Object Class

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Create an F_CIRCUITCOMPONENT table, which must be spelled exactly as shown. All fields must also be typed as shown.

Add New Table to Geodatabase

  1. Right-click the name of the geodatabase and select New > Table.
  2. Type a name and alias for the new table. Click Next.
  3. Type the necessary fields for the table, ensuring that you update Field Properties as appropriate.
  4. Click Finish.


  • To avoid a severe drop in performance, this new table should NOT be an ArcFM table. It should be created as an Esri table.
  • Since this new table is considered a Fiber Manager application table, users and admins should not edit attributes nor records directly within this table. All circuit changes should be performed through the Fiber Manager interface.
  • This table must be versioned for an SDE database. See the Esri documentation for more information about versioning tables.


Alias: Circuit Component

Field Data Type Default Value Domain Length/Precision
CircuitGuid Guid
ElementGuid Guid
ElementModelName Text 50
FeatureGuid Guid
FeatureModelName Text 50
GraphId Long Integer
ObjectID Object ID



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