Fiber Manager Configuration Guide
Create Flexible Features

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In this step, you'll create the custom feature or object in the geodatabase. If you're creating a feature class that has spatial representation on the map, create it in the dataset that contains the Fiber geometric network. If you're creating an object class or table, create it in the root directory of the geodatabase (right-click the geodatabase and select New > Table).

You must create all feature and object classes before advancing to Step 4: Create Relationships.


Feature: Right-click the Fiber dataset and select New > Feature Class.

Object (Table): Right-click the geodatabase and select New > Table.

  1. On the first screen, use the name you assigned your object or feature class in Table 1 of the worksheet to fill in the Name and Alias fields.
  2. If you're creating an object class, click Next and skip to step 5.
  3. If you're creating a feature class, select a type (ArcFM Simple Junction Feature or ArcFM Complex Edge Feature). You determined this information in Table 2 of the worksheet. 
  4. If you're creating a feature class, select the Fiber geometric network. Click Next.
  5. Enter the Field Name and Data Type information for the fields added to Table 5 of the worksheet. Click Finish. If there are additional screens, enter information as appropriate or accept the defaults.


The instructions in this topic and other topics in the How to Create a Flexible Feature section include an example. The example involves adding an air blown fiber feature to a fiber dataset that already has a geometric network.

Adding the Feature/Object Name and Alias Fields

In this example, the air blown fiber feature is a linear feature that is symbolized on the map, giving it a type of ArcFM Complex Edge Feature. This information is in table 2 of the worksheet. Select the network used by the fiber features.


Add Field Names and Data Types

This is NOT a complete list of all fields used for the air blown fiber example. Note the default values for ThisFiberClassModelName and FiberChildClassModelName. The child class (FiberChildClassModelName) was determined in table 3 on the worksheet.

Do not create the Global ID field. This is created by the Add Global IDs tool.  


Worksheet Example (not all fields are included in screenshot)


Field Name Page of New Feature Class





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