Fiber Manager Configuration Guide
Configure Availability Settings

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The ArcFM Fiber Availability autoupdater summarizes the number of available children objects or features (such as fiber) in a parent object or feature (such as a fiber optic cable). The autoupdater does this by incrementing or decrementing the SinglemodeAvailabilityIndicator and MultimodeAvailabilityIndicator fields on the parent feature or object when the Availability field of the child objects changes. If you want to track Availability of objects or features within the parent object, assign model names and autoupdaters as outlined below.

Never assign the ArcFM Fiber Availability autoupdater to anything other than the On Feature Update event of the Available field (the field to which the AVAILABLE field model name is assigned).

Required Settings for the Parent Object or Feature

Availability is maintained in fields on the parent object or feature (e.g., FiberOpticCable).

Tips for Using this Table

  • The Example Field Name and Data Type columns contain values entered when creating the feature/object. If using the worksheet, record these values in Table 5.
  • The Field Model Name column contains values entered in the ArcFM Properties Manager on the Field Model Names tab. If using the worksheet, record these values in Table 5.




Example Field Name

Data Type

Field Model Name



Long Integer



Long Integer


Do not assign the MULTIMODEAVAILABILITYINDICATOR and SINGLEMODEAVAILABILITYINDICATOR field names to the same field. If you do, they won't function properly and will provide inaccurate information.


Required Settings for the Child Object or Feature

Availability is set on the connectable object beneath the parent object or feature (e.g., F_FIBER for fiber strands). These two fields indicate whether a particular feature (e.g., fiber) is available.

Tips for Using this Table

  • The Example Field Name, Data Type and Domain columns contain values entered when creating the feature/object. If using the worksheet, record these values in Table 5.
  • The Field Model Name column contains values entered in the ArcFM Properties Manager on the Field Model Names tab. If using the worksheet, record these values in Table 5.
  • The Field Autoupdater column contains a value entered in the ArcFM Properties Manager on the Field Model Names tab. If using the worksheet, record this value in Table 5.




Example Field Name

Data Type


Field Model Name

Field Autoupdater



Long Integer

Fiber Availability Indicator


On Feature Update: ArcFM Fiber Availability



Fiber Mode





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