ArcFM Desktop Configuration Guide
Relate/Unrelate ConductorInfo Table

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The ArcFM Abandon Unrelate and Relate autoupdater may be used when abandoning a conductor that has a related ConductorInfo table. This autoupdater unrelates the ConductorInfo table from the selected conductor and relates it to the resulting abandoned conductor.

  1. Ensure that a relationship exists between the conductor feature class and the ConductorInfo table. If the relationship class does not exist, it must be created.

    Type: Simple (peer-to-peer)

    Cardinality: 1 - M

    Origin: Conductor feature class

    Destination: ConductorInfo object class

    Primary key: ObjectID

    Foreign key: ConductorObjectID

  2. Right-click the ConductorInfo table and select the ArcFM Properties Manager.
  3. On the Model Names tab, assign the MMABANDONRELATE model name. By default, this model name resides in the Domain Independent Object Class Model Names domain.
  4. Right-click the conductor feature class and select ArcFM Properties Manager.
  5. On the Model Names tab, assign the MMABANDONRELATE model name. By default, this model name resides in the Domain Independent Object Class Model Names domain.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. On the Abandon Info tab, select the ArcFM Abandon Unrelate and Relate autoupdater in the On Abandon field.



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