ArcFM Desktop Configuration Guide
Indicator Field

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This method of abandoning features doesn't change the symbology on the map or move the feature's attributes to a new feature or object class. It simply changes the Abandon Indicator field value to Yes on the feature class being abandoned. To configure, you will need to create the Abandon Indicator field on the feature class you wish to abandon. To create a new field in ArcCatalog, ArcMap must be closed.

  1. Assign the MMABANDONABLE class model name to the feature class to which you want the Abandon Indicator to apply.
  2. First create a new field on the feature to be abandoned (source feature class).

    Data Type: Text

    Domain: Yes/No Indicator

    Length: 5

  3. Right-click the feature class to be abandoned (source feature class) and select ArcFM Properties Manager.
  4. On the Field Model Names tab, select the field created in step 1 (e.g., AbandonIndicator).
  5. Assign the MMABANDONINDICATOR field model name. Click Apply.
  6. Select the Abandon Info tab.
  7. In the On Abandon field, select ArcFM Change AbandonIndicator Field and click OK.

Users may edit the Indicator field for a feature to abandon it. The abandon tools will NOT be enabled unless another abandon method (e.g., Abandon to Feature/Object Class) is configured. To enable the Abandon tools, you may configure the feature class to be abandoned using one of the methods discussed in this section (Abandon to Feature Class, Abandon to Object Class, and Abandon to Subtype).

When the feature is abandoned (or abandoned and removed) in ArcMap, the AbandonIndicator field value will be set to Yes (if the Indicator field is configured along with an abandon method).




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