Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Remove Dashboard Values

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

Resource Center Home

You may remove reported information from the dashboard Analytical and Tabular sections. This is done by editing the Web.config file. By default, this file is installed here: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Responder.


The dashboard uses providerKeys to gather the data and controlKeys to display it. By removing the providerKey and the corresponding controlKey, you can eliminate reported data in the dashboard. You may take out only the controlKey. If you choose to take out only the providerKey, the display will appear broken.

  1. Open Web.config and look for the following bit of XML.


    Copy Code
    <add key="service.providerKeys" value="customerStatus, crewStatus, incidentStatus, wiresDownStatus,
    regionAreaPath, affectedLoadPoints, incidentDevicePoints, hazardPoints, callStatus, outageMonetaryStatus"/>
  2. The values in this XML are the providers used to populate the data on the web application. Note that removing these may impact other aspects of the web application. You may delete a providerKey to stop retrieving the data. For example, delete outageMonetaryStatus to remove the total outage cost value from the Analytical tab of the dashboard.

    Below are descriptions of the providerKeys:

    • customerStatus - Provides customer counts for the outage.
    • crewStatus - Provides counts for crews (e.g., assigned, unassigned, total crews).
    • incidentStatus - Provides incident counts (e.g., critical, total incidents).
    • wiresDownStatus - Provides hazard counts.
    • regionAreaPath - Retrieves the geometry from SDE. If you delete this, the maps will not work.
    • affectedLoadPoints - Retrieves the locations for the affected load points.
    • incidentDevicePoints - Retrieves locations of the incident devices.
    • hazardPoints - Retrieves the locations of the hazards.
    • callStatus - Provides a count of calls (e.g., processed, unprocessed, total calls).
    • outageMonetaryStatus - Provides the total cost of the outage value.
  3. Next, look for the following bit of XML in Web.config.


    Copy Code
    <add key="dashboard.grid.controlKeys" value="customerStatus, incidentStatus, crewStatus,
    wiresDownStatus, callStatus, outageMonetaryStatus"/>
  4. Remove the key that corresponds to the portion of the user interface to remove. For example, delete outageMonetaryStatus to remove the total outage cost value from the Analytical tab of the dashboard.

    Below are descriptions of the controlKeys.

    • customerStatus - Customer Status on the Tabular tab and the Analytical tab.
    • incidentStatus - Interruption Status on the Tabular tab and the Analytical tab.
    • crewStatus - Crew Status on the Tabular tab and the Analytical tab.
    • wiresDownStatus - Hazard Status on the Tabular tab and the Analytical tab.
    • callStatus - Call Status on the Tabular tab and the Analytical tab.
    • outageMonetaryStatus - Outage Cost on the Analytical tab.
  5. Save and close Web.config.


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