Smart Grid Applications Overview > Responder Overview > Optional Functionality > Web Server > Add Fields or Customize Existing Fields > Configure Telephone Numbers |
Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1 |
Responder allows you to determine the minimum and maximum length for the phone number as well as the default area code and other properties.
These settings reside in the web.config file at this location: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Responder. Open Web.config and look for the following bit of XML.
<appSettings> <add key="phoneNumbers.MinNumberLength" value="7"/> <add key="phoneNumbers.MaxNumberLength" value="10"/> <add key="phoneNumbers.MaxExtensionLength" value="5"/> <add key="phoneNumbers.AppendPrefixIfLengthEquals" value="7"/> <add key="phoneNumbers.NumberExtensionSplitter" value="x"/> <add key="DefaultAreaCode" value = "970" /> </appSettings>
If you do not want to use one of these settings, use comment marks to disable it. For example:
<!--<add key="DefaultAreaCode" value = "307" /> -->
To change the display format for phone numbers, you may modify the .resx file. Modify telephone number formats in CustomerSelectView.ascx.resx. By default this file is installed here: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Responder\WebParts\App_LocalResources\CustomerSelectView.ascx.resx.