Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Modify Incident Report Map Extent

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

Resource Center Home

This configuration allows you to determine the extent of the map displayed on the Incident Report in Responder Explorer. This map is not displayed by default. You must first configure to display the location map. Once you've performed the configuration to display the map, you can determine the extent at which it is displayed. This option requires ArcFM Server.

  1. Open Web.config. This file is installed here: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Responder.
  2. Look for the following lines of XML:
    <add key="mapImage.minIncidentExtentDimension" value="500"/>
    <add key="mapImage.useIncidentDevicesAndFeaturesOnly" value="true"/>
  3. The mapImage.minIncidentExtentDimension value indicates the minimum extent at which an incident is displayed on the Incident Report. For example, if an incident has a single load point and a minimum extent of 500, the map display will be centered over the point and displayed at an extent of 500 (in the units of the coordinate system). If the entire extent of the incident cannot be shown within the extent specified by this property, it will be displayed at a larger extent. This property takes a value with a data type of double.
  4. The mapImage.useIncidentDevicesAndFeaturesOnly value indicates whether only the incident devices and features (and not load points) should be taken into account when determining the extent of an incident. Set this value to "true" to consider only the incident device/feature. Enter "false" to consider affected load points as well when determining the extent.
  5. Save and close Web.config.

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