Using Responder
Customer Call

Version: 10.1

Resource Center Home

Available in Responder Web Browser.

The Customer Call form provides the operator with the means to log a new call from a customer. Critical customers are indicated in the Critical field with red text (e.g., Residential Medical, Medical Care Facility, Emergency Responder). When a call is logged, Responder analyzes the existing incidents and adds the call as appropriate. It may be added to an existing incident, or a new incident may be created.

  1. In the Responder Web Browser, select the Customer Service section.
  2. Click Customer Call. The Customer Call page opens. You can enter a value into one of the fields and click Search (or press Enter on the keyboard) to locate a specific customer. Either the First Name or Last Name field must have a search criteria. You may enter an entire name or address, for example, or just a few characters.
    • Search by Telephone Number: You may also search by phone number in the Phone field, using the entire number or the first few digits. Use the percent % wildcard symbol to locate a specific series of numbers. For example: %5703. This search locates all phone numbers that contain this series of digits (321-570-3152, 321-123-5703). Searches performed in this field will search the Home, Work and Mobile phone number fields in the Responder database.

    • If no records match your search criteria, "No Customers Found" appears at the top of the form. Click Clear to clear the form and perform another search.

    • If multiple records fit the search criteria, Responder returns a grid displaying the found set of customer records. Click Select next to the customer to view. If you have selected the wrong customer, click Return to Search Results to view the search results again. Click Cancel to clear the search results and perform another search.

    • Incidents cannot be created for customers who are disconnected. If the search results in the selection of a disconnected customer, the Submit button remains disabled.

  1. The customer information appears on the Customer Call page. If a call has already been received from this customer (and an incident exists), the comments (if they exist) from the first call-taker will be visible in the Comments field.
  1. If you are using ArcGIS for Server/ArcFM Server, you may see a Map button next to the customer's address. Click this button to open a map window that displays the customer's location. Click the red X in the upper right corner to close this window.
  2. Select a Trouble, Hazard(s) and Cause. If you select any value in the Trouble field EXCEPT No Power, the call is treated as a non-outage. All calls with a Cause of non-outage will have a null outage time.

If the selected customer has a Connect Status of Disconnect - Non Pay, the Trouble field will display only an option of <None>. Your administrator may perform an optional configuration to add values to this field. But by default, NonPay customers can have a trouble value of <None> which allows them to report hazards.

  1. If you select a Hazard, the Public Safety field becomes enabled. Select a radio button to indicate whether public safety officials are on site.
  2. Enter any additional information and remarks, if necessary.
  3. If the customer requests a callback, select the Callback Requested checkbox. You may update the customer's phone contact information. You may select the radio button next to the callback number the customer prefers.

The area code of a phone number may not begin with a 1 or 0.

  1. View customer history using the Previous Calls tab or incident history with the Previous Incidents tab. An Outage Duration value of 0 on the Previous Incidents tab indicates that the customer was part of an incident, but not an outage.

  2. Click Submit. The web browser returns to the Customer Call search page with a note indicating that the previous call was submitted.
  3. If you click Cancel, the web browser returns to the Customer Call search page with a note indicating that the previous call was cancelled.

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