Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Callback Configuration

Version: 10.1

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Responder adds customers to a Callback list depending on specific user-defined criteria, then presents this list to the IVR or a customer service representative (CSR). Depending on the callback configuration, this list may be impacted by edits to incidents. The Callback List page describes which incident edits affect the callback list and how. You may configure how the callback list is generated by creating scenarios in the Miner.Responder.DataServices.exe.config file. You may create multiple scenarios.

By default, Callbacks generated when requested by the customer. You must configure callbacks in order to use them. Remove the tags that comment out the callback scenarios (<!-- and -->) in Miner.Responder.DataServices.exe.config file. Then replace the "none" value in the CurrentScenario attribute a CallbackEvent Name value.

Look for the <CallbackConfig> tag. The attributes within this tag contain connection information for handling customer callbacks.

General Callback Settings

These are the default settings. Any attributes set in the CallList tag will override a setting in the CallbackConfig tag. The line numbers correspond with the code sample below.

Line 2: The CurrentScenario attribute indicates the scenario to use. You may create multiple scenarios and indicate in this attribute which one to use. By default, three scenarios are provided:

Line 3: The CallUsing attribute lets you determine how the calls are handled, via IVR, CSR (customer service rep), or Both.

Line 4: When a call is attempted and failed due to a busy signal, the customer is returned to the callbacks list for a minimum period of time. The BusyWaitMinutes attribute lets you determine how long until the customer may be called again.

Line 5: When a call is attempted and failed due to no answer, the customer is returned to the callback list for a minimum period of time. The NoAnswerWaitMinutes attribute lets you determine how long until the customer may be called again.

Line 6: The MinCallAttempts attribute lets you set the minimum number of attempts for a customer callback. If the AutoDelete attribute is set to True, the customer will be automatically deleted from the callback list after the minumum number of attempts have taken place.

Line 7: Once the minimum number of attempts (MinCallAttempts) have been made to reach a customer, Responder may automatically remove them from the callback list. If the AutoDelete field is set to True, the customer is removed when the MinCallAttempts attribute value is reached using either the IVR and/or a CSR. If this attribute is set to False, the customer will not be removed from the callback list automatically, but may be removed manually using the Don't Call Again option on the Callbacks form.

Line 8: When an operator opens a callback, it is temporarily unavailable to all other operators. This ensures that two operators don't call the same customer. A callback remains unavailable to other operators (or "checked out") for a set amount of time. After this time expires, the callback is returned to the callback list. Use the MinutesCallingValid attribute to set the amount of time a callback is "checked out".

Line 9: If an outage lasts only a short period of time (blink outage), you may not wish to generate callbacks. This attribute allows you to set the duration of a blink outage. Any outages that last less than the specified amount of time will not generate callbacks. In the example, the blink outage is set to one minute. Callbacks are not generated for any outages that last less than one minute.



Look for the <Scenarios> tag (Line 9). In this section, you may create various types of scenarios for different situations. The line numbers correspond with the code sample below.

Line 11: Indicate the name of your scenario. Use the value in the Name attribute to set the CurrentScenario (Line 2).

Line 13: Each Callback Event refers to an extension. Telvent provides several samples with the Responder installation. The IncidentCreated callback event is used when the outage initially occurs. The IncidentRestoreTimeDefined event is used when an estimated power restoration time has been set. The IncidentRestoreTimeChange event is used when the estimated power restoration time has been modified. The IncidentRestored event is used when power has been restored. There are several values in the CallbackEvent tag:

Line 14: The CallList tag allows you to determine which customers to call for each callback event and with what priority. There are several attributes in the CallList tag (not all are shown in the example below):

    <Scenario Name="default">
        <CallbackEvent Name="IncidentRestored" Type="Miner.Responder.Processors.Callback.CallbackOnPowerRestored" CallReasonCode="0">
          <CallList WhoToCall="OnlyRequests" Priority="0"/>

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