ArcFM Tools in ArcCatalog

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Domains may hold other domains, coded values, or model names. This section describes how domains may be used as well as the model name domains required to enable the ArcFM Properties Manager. For information about how to create the domains, see the Create Domains page. For information about how to assign domains, see the Assign Domains page.

The domain name (this does not apply to domain values) may not contain any of the following characters: `~@#$%%^&*()+=|<>?{}.!'[]:;

Coded Values

Domains that contain coded values may be used to populate a field's pulldown menu. For example, the Neutral Material domain (figure 1) is assigned to the Neutral Material field on a conductor (figure 2). The coded values in the domain populate the field's pulldown menu (figure 3).

Figure 1, Neutral Material domain

Figure 2, Domain assigned to Neutral Material field

Figure 3, Neutral Material field


Model Names

Model names are organized into a hierarchy of domains. Every ArcFM geodatabase requires two domains: "Object Class Model Name Domain" and "Field Model Name Domain" (these domains require the exact spelling and capitalization shown). Without these domains, the ArcFM Properties Manager will not be available.

All domains that appear in the Object Class Model Name Domain will be included in the Model Name Domain pulldown menu on the Model Names tab in the ArcFM Properties Manager. This domain includes all domains that contain model names. Some examples in the sample data: Electric Object Class Model Name, Gas Object Class Model Name, Water Object Class Model Name, Designer Object Class Model Name (these domains contain model names).

All domains that appear in the Field Model Name Domain will be included in the Model Name Domain pulldown menu on the Field Model Names tab in the ArcFM Properties Manager. This domain includes domains that contain model names. Some examples in the sample data: Electric Field Model Name, Gas Field Model Name, Water Field Model Name, Designer Field Model Name (these domains contain field model names).

If you wish to assign model names to your geodatabase (required for Mobile configuration), the "Database Model Name Domain" is required. This domain must have the exact spelling and capitalization as shown. Do not add model names directly to this domain. Rather, create a coded domain within it, which contains the model names (e.g., Mobile Model Name Domain).

When creating domains that are included in the required domains (e.g., Object Class Model Name Domain, Field Model Name Domain), the sub-domains must be added to the Domains tab as well as included as Coded Values for the required domain (this applies to domains in the Database Model Name Domain as well). Notice in the example below that the Electric Object Class Model Name domain appears as a coded value for the Object Class Model Name Domain (figure 4) and as a domain with model names as coded values (figure 5).


Figure 4, The Object Class Model Name domain holds the Electric Object Class Model Name domain (among others).

Figure 5, The Electric Object Class Model Name domain holds the model names needed to configure ArcFM tools for an electric utility.


Below is an example of how your domains are organized.



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