| Name | Description |
  | ArcMapSelectedDevicesProperty | "ArcMapSelectedDevices" Name of input property containing an array of Miner.Responder.Framework.DeviceInfo objects representing customer load points OR devices with RX_INCIDENT_DEVICE model name assigned that are selected from ArcMap. |
  | ConnectedCustomerCount | "ConnectedCustomerCount" Name of the output property containing a count of connected customers. |
  | CustomerCount | "CustomerCount" Name of the output property containing a customer count. |
  | Date | "Date" Name of the output property containing the current date and time. |
  | DisconnectedCustomerCount | "DisconnectedCustomerCount" Name of the output property containing a count of disconnected customers. |
  | FeederID | "FeederID" Name of the output property containing the source device FeederID. |
  | FeederID2 | "FeederID2" Name of output property containing the source device FeederID2. |
  | LoadPointAliasNameProperty | "LoadPointAliasName" Name of input property containing the load point feature class's alias name. This property is optional. It saves this request from querying by classmodel namee. |
  | LoadPointFCIDProperty | "LoadPointFCID" Name of input property containing the load point feature class's alias name. This property is optional. It saves this request from querying by class model name. |
  | NetworkTraceStateProperty | "NetworkTraceState" Name of input property containing the network trace state (Normal or Actual). |
  | PhasesToTraceProperty | "PhasesToTrace" Name of input property containing the phases that user has chosen to trace. |
  | SelectedFeatureClassesProperty | "SelectedFeatureClasses" Name of input property containing list of feature classes selected in ArcMap and corresponding number of devices selected for each feature class |
  | SourceDeviceProperty | "SourceDevice" Name of input property containing the source device as Miner.Responder.Framework.DeviceInfo. |
  | SourceDeviceType | "SourceDeviceType" Name of input property containing the source device class name as a string. |
  | SourceEID | "SourceEID" Name of the output property containing the source device Element ID. |
  | SourceFacilityID | "SourceFacilityID" Name of the output property containing the source device facility ID. |
  | SourceObjectID | "SourceObjectID" Name of the output property containing the source device object ID. |
  | SubstationID | "SubstationID" Name of the output property containing the source device substation ID. |
  | TracingRequiredProperty | "TracingRequired" Name of input property indicating whether tracing is needed. This is required as now we offer two possibilities for selecting devices from ArcMap (select Service Points OR select devices with RX_INCIDENT_DEVICE model name assigned and do downstream tracing from them- in second case) |