The following tables list the members exposed by IMMNamer.
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | Name | If the object returns true from SupportsFeatureClass, then this property is used to display in the export naming combo box. |
 | NamerProperties | Allows you to pass in any objects to be used by a custom export namer to create a file name. |
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
 | Initialize | This method initializes the export namer using the data included in the PropertySet by the current map book. This is called immediately before NextFileName is called for the first time. |
 | NextFileName | This method is called for each plot and should return a unique name for the file to be exported from Map Production. The arguments are supplied to provide the developer with a wide range of naming possibilities. |
 | SupportsFeatureClass | For the selected map set feature layer, the object should return true if it can name export files for this feature class. |
See Also