Using Responder
Incident Filters

Version: 10.2.1c and 10.2.1c SP3

Resource Center Home

Available in Responder Explorer.

The Incidents tab allows you to use filters to display incidents. Select a filter from the pulldown menu to change the display. The selected filter also takes into account the setting of the Show Regions toggle button. If it is set to Show All Regions, the filter will be applied to all regions. If it is set to Show My Regions, the filter is applied only to the regions assigned to the current user. The next to the left of the filter field indicates which Show Regions setting is in affect ("All Incidents in My Regions", in the example below).

Incidents created by a dispatcher are displayed in that dispatcher's Incidents tab regardless of the region filter setting and the owner. For example, Bob Dispatcher creates an incident that's not in his region. Even though he has his filter set to display incidents only in the regions of his responsibility, he will still see the incident he created. Should Bob D. decide to refresh the data using the Refresh button, that incident would be removed from his display.

The plus/minus buttons at the top-left corner of the tab allow you to easily expand (+) all displayed incidents in the grid or contract them (-).

Filters may be customized. So the filters in your Responder Explorer may be different. Below are the filters provided with Responder Explorer by default.



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